February 9, 1944. _ Mr. Prank L. Sates, Manager, Wax. Fund Campaign, The Red Cross, Wyandotte County Chapter, 814 Uo. 7th Street, Kansas City 10, Kansas. Dear Mr. Bates: I got the message from the young lady who was sub- atituting for my secretary when you called. I have been wanting to call you back but circumstances have rendered it impossible. — I am planning at the present time on being at the Chamber éf Cornmerce Friday noon to discuss the matter with you. It happeris that I am secretary and a member of the local Selestive _ Service Boerd and we mect on Friday afternoon from 1 until 3. If _ the board requires my attendance I will see that someone is there to represent us at your meeting. Sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.