August 19, 1943 Miss Trene Brockett Administrative Assistant: Chapter Service American Red Cross 1709 Washington Ave, St. Louis, Mo. My dear Miss Brockett: We wish to report our experience in our War Fund Campaign as per your suggested schedule as follows: 1. We prefer that billboard poster service continue to be handled by the central office. We feel, however, that perhaps they should be put up 2& week or ten days earlier than they were in our community. e. The labor in our community is organized to a very small] degree and, as a result, we had only one contribution from one.labor union, and that in the amount of $15.00. 3. We feel that the audience collection in motion picture: theaters was very satisfactory in Lawrence, Our local Salvation Army furnished voung people to pass the collection plate, The amount collected was $833.95 which we consider very good inasmuch as our collection drive had been concluded and gone over its quota several days before the theater collection. 4, The National Corporations represented in Lawrence are confined mainly to chain food, clothing and notions stores, Their response was good as it always is in any drive in this community. 5, .We did not ask for nor receive pledges and, conse- quently, received all donations at that time in cash, 6. Our total expense in conducting the campaign was $138.13. Our total receipts were $26,044.39 making our percent of expense .00535, 7, We wish to compliment the central office en the type of supplies and their fine cooperation in sending supplies of which we ran short. Receipt cards was the only shortage we experienced and perhaps that was due to the fact that we attempted to complete the campaign in 10 days rather than 30.