+ THE AMERICAN RED CROSS DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPTER COMMUNITY BUILDING LAWRENCE, KANSAS 8, County towns other than TLawrence Baldwin $1159.66 Eudora 847,12 Lecompton 133,35 Organizations were set up in each town and functioned excellently. We were disappointed in the result at Eudora where there were hundreds of defense workers living in trailers, The re- sponse from these people was very poor and they were al] called upon for donations. 9. Sunflower Ordnance Works $2229.75 Solicitation was made in cooperation with Johnson Countv at the Sunflower Ordnance Works which is 12 miles distant from Lawrence, This was made after our regular campaign had been concluded, It was conducted bv women from Tawrence and Johnson County who sat all dev in small booths over the immense erea of this plant and received donations as 2 result of Red Cross signs on the booth. I want to pay special tribute to these housewives who were subjected to the worst winter weather that Kansas offers in soliciting these funds, The total was $6723.90 . which was allocated to 9 counties, our proportion being the above amount. The people of Lawrence and Douglas County not only gave generously enough to far exceed our guota but willingly gave of their time to help in the campaign. It is a privilege to live in such ® community. M. S. Winter Chairman War Pund Camnaign