_ CHAIRMAN Wade Pierce EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LAWRENCE: Wade Pierce Harold C. Fisher Harold G. Barr Mrs. Fred R. Isaacs s. W. C. Boardman M. S. Winter R. B. —- Mrs. O. O. Stoland B. Holmes ‘dt Dr. Homer K. Ebright F. C. Leitnacker EUDORA 7. Mrs. C. B. Johnson WILLOW SPRINGS: Otto Hack MARION: Hugh Boyce LECOMPTON: gm George F. Bahnmaier GRAN Rickard Wise PALMYRA: Perry Stevens CLINTON Chartes Banning RA: Miss Ellen Melville KANWAKA: Mrs. Merle Coleman WAKARUSA: (East) Ralph Ward VICE-CHAIRMAN SECRETARY Harold G. Barr Mrs. C. W. Amidon TREASURER Riley Burcham COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN THE AMERICAN RED CROSS DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPTER HOME N M WATER SA Mi FIRST AID Community Building Telephone 803 LAWRENCE, KANSAS MRS. W. T. DOUCE Executive Secretary CHILD W —_— SERVICE roe aa E. Twente LFARE —, eee E. Twente URSING rs. Jo oer e W. Murray ss Ruth Hoover Parke H. Woodard, M.D. ar ee PREVENTION JUNIOR a pyar Mrs. I. W. H NUTRITION and. FOops Miss Kathryn T: mag — HOSPITAL ‘SERVICE . Amidon NURSE. RECRUITMENT VOLUNTEER SP (West) Mrs. Roger Williams March 7, 1944 Dear "Phog:" When know with it comes to putting on a drive you really how to do it. It is a lot of fun to work youe You know how to get the job done. Now I want to thank you personally for your generous contribution of $100.00 to the Red Cross. "By their deeds ye shall know them." In actual practice you pointed the way and I don't mind telling you that your kick-off con- tribution was a big help. I have used it as a booster at least 50 times in the campaign. So far I have more than 70 people who have given $10. eg or more and up to the present time, the $10.00 gifts are out-numbering the small gifts of $5.00 or less three to two. In other words, we have 50% more people on the KU faculty who are giving above $10. OO than those those who are giving below $5.00. I am confident we will reach our goal witli flying colors. Yours for bigger and better drives, bor Ga Bill Buehler Miss Electa pettan oe, er ECIAL SERVICES Mrs. Caryl J. Dodds ee Mrs. B. Chubb MOTOR CORPS M. S. Winter NURSE’ s RIDE Mrs. . Beamer CANTEEN Miss Andris BLOOD DONOR: SERVICE Ralph I. Canuteson, M.D.