BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAWRENCE Wane PIERCE Haroip C, FIsHEer Harotp G. Barr Miss EstHER E. TWENTE Mrs. W. C. BoarpMAN F. A. RUSSELL Cuartes A, SPRINGER Mrs. O. O. SToLanp Mrs. Hovey J. Hanna BALDWIN CITY Dr. Homer K. Esricut Harry BARNETT EUDORA CITY Mrs. C. B. Jounson EUDORA TOWNSHIP WADE PIERCE ‘HAROLD G. BARR RILEY BURCHAM COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer FINANCE Mrs. Mitprep LESUER HOME SERVICE Mrs. C. W. AMIDON ¥ Miss EstHer E, TWENTE Secretary — Rie gpa eee I. Canutreson, M.D DISASTER PREPAREDNESS NURSING. "ACTIVITIES s. JosEPH HB Murray THE AMERICAN RED CROSS Nez in ARKE H. Wooparp, M.D. Douglas County Chapter ACCIDENT P PREVENTION a. RED. CROSS wateemesee GERSTENBERGER a (East) Ravpu Warp 2 NUTRITION AND FOODS (West) = Rocer WILLIAMS CoMMUNITY BUILDING TELEPHONE 405 Miss Katuryn Tissu KANWAK a AND HOSPITAL SERVICE Mrs. ae CoLEMAN s. C. W. AMIDON WILLOW. SPRINGS L K NURSE RECRUITMENT Orto H 1ss ELEcTA KINDLESPERGER MARION eS W Ae hb 4 Hucu B > OLOoN G. AYERS LECOMPTON MRS. W. T. DOUCE VOLUNTEER SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. Grorce McCarty Executive Secretary Mrs. Caryt J. Dopps GRANT PRODUCTION RICHARD WISE Mrs. B. Couns PALMYRA 1 194 waa md og Perry STEVENS Ms rs. J. W. ENTE CLINTON reh 19 ’ 5 CANTEEN Mrs. CHARLES BANNING Miss Anpris RIFE Dr. Forrest C. Allen, 801 Louisiana Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: ’ ‘ We want you to know how deeply we appreciate the time and energy you have devoted to your part of the 1945 War Fund campaign. We realize that the individual contributor is increasingly aware of the need for Red Cross services, but we also realize that it takes organized, concen- trated effort to reach the individual. We feel that the early success of this year's campaign is due in very large part to the unusually fine spirit which the division chairmen imparted to their workers. \ We want to express our thanks to you, and through you to all the workers in your division. Sincerely yours, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the c DOUGLAS COUNTY CHAPFER F By AI) AL GA Gruclone RM Secretary