April 12, 1945. Mr. Selon Ayers, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Solon: You have been congratulated many, many times for the wonderful job you did in putting the Red Gross drive over in a big way. I want to make our near-total report to you as of the present: University faculty and employees $2650.50 University students - 1673.87 ‘ University high school students 40.00 — ‘fovel from University of Kansas... . $4163.87 Last year on March 31 ow total WAS e « ee $4555.11 We had a large contingent of Blectricians Mates, our V-12 program was going at full blast, and we also had the ASTP with the military per- sonnel here. Considering the loss in officer persamel and enlisted men, Segether with the fact that many, many faculty members aud their wives this year gave to the residential solicitors, I feel we did as well as could be expected. So many wen on the faculty reported to me that their wives were 80 eager to contribute to the residential quota that they just gave their money to that fund. And they were sizeable contributions. Some of these were: R. 3. Tait, Guy We Suith, Re Re Strait, R. B, Ken ehl, Ge. M. Baker, ae 0, 0. Stoland, Mabel Barnhart, Maude Elisworth, L. R. Lind, Edwin F. Prise, Re W. MeCloy, E. 2. Hall, Gora M. Downs, Fred Ellsworth, lL. N. Flint, and many others. But this just shows you ans man of the money was given through — —, 1 have Hapentodiy said to ow faculty and friends here at the University that it doesn't make one iota of difference to whom they give so long as they give. The Red Cross is the main consideration, I have never worked on a quota here at the University and always received a lot more money than if we get narrow and try to selfishly make a showing for ‘ our individual selves.