EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE LAWRENCE: WADE PIERCE Harotp C, FIsHER Harotp G. Barr Mrs. Frep R. Isaacs Mrs. W. C. BoarpMAN M. S. WINTER R. B. STEVENS Mrs. O. O. STOLAND Mrs. C. B. HoLtmMeEs BALDWIN CITY: Dr. Homer K. Esricut F. C. LEITNACKER EUDORA CITY: Mrs. C. B. JoHNsoN WILLOW SPRINGS: Orto Hacx MARION: Hucu Boyce LECOMPTON: eo GrorcE F, BAHNMAIER GRAN os WISE PALMYRA: PERRY STEVENS CLINTON Cx aurea BANNING EUDORA: Miss ELLEN MELVILLE KANWAKA: Mrs. MERLE COLEMAN WAKARUSA: (East) RALPH WarD (West) Mrs. RoGer WILLIAMS WADE PIERCE HAROLD G. BARR RILEY BURCHAM Chairman Vice-Chairman Treasurer MRS. C. W. AMIDON Secretary THE AMERICAN RED CROSS Douglas County Chapter CoMMUNITY BUILDING me Lawrence, Kansas MRS: W.T.. DOUCE Executive Secretary TELEPHONE 803 Haskell Institute March 5, 1945 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog" COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN FINANCE Mrs. Mitprep LeSurer HOME SERVICE Miss EstHER E, TWENTE BLOOD DONOR SERVICE pu I. Canuteson, M.D. DISASTER M. S. WINTER HOME NURSING Mrs. JosEPH a Murray WATER SAFE Miss RutH fom — AID ARKE H. Wooparp, M.D ACCIDENT PREVENTION Joun CALLAHAN J UNTOR RED CROSS I. W. Hartiey NUTEITION and FOODS Miss Katuryn TISSUE vee ae HOSPITAL SERVICE W. AmIpon NURSE QECRULTMENT Miss ELecta K1INDLESPERGER VOLUNTEER SPECIAL SERVICES Mrs. Caryt J. Dopps PRODUCTION Mrs. H. B. Cours MOTOR CORPS M. S. WINTER NURSE'S AIDE Mrs. R. H. BEAMER CANTEEN Miss Anpris RIFE I greatly appreciate the work which you have already done in connection with the Red Cross drive. The drive passed the half-way mark Saturday night and the thermometer is now standing at $17,000. This ig a fine rec- ord for the first three days and you deserve considerable credit for this achievement. We are now facing the most critical period of the campaign. Let us not make the mistake of relaxing our efforts. this week. We should finish up the campaign Thursday of next week is the deadline for income tax payments and money will be increasingly harder to get as we approach that date. Let's put in several hours of hard work early this week and get it over with. A much better to do it now than to let the campaign drag out. certain amount of time will be required sooner or later and it is Please take time out right now and call your workers and ask them to call their solici- tors. It would certainly be a great thrill if we could finish up this week and be the first chapter in Kansas to "go over the top” Sincerely eo SGA: mw SPECIAL DELIVE Solon G. Ayers War Fund Chairman