+ AMERICAN RED CROSS OFFICE OF FIELD DIRECTOR MILITARY & NAVAL WELFARE SERVICE STATION 222 W. 11TH STREET < KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 9 February 1945 Mre Se Ge Ayers War Fund Chairman American Red Cross Douglas County Chapter Haskell Institute Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Ayers; This is to notify you, as War fund Chairman of the Douglas County Chapter, that the Field Director will not be responsible for conducting a War Fund Vampaign with the military and naval untts stationed at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. The instructions as received from the area office, American National Red Cross, St. Louis, Missouri, definitely indicate that organization for the campaign of these schools will be the responsibility of the chapter having jurisdiction. It is necessary that mention be made of the War Department ruling that no enlisted men will be solicited for contribution by the Field Director or Chapter Representative. Attention is also called to the importance of making it possible for the enlisted men of our Armed Forces to make their voluntary contributions. This can be dome in a manner which will not indicate solicitation. All funds collected by your Chapter will be turned over to your Chapter Treasurer. es This letter is your authorization to make plans for the War Fund Campaign at the University of Kansas. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Ronald ¥. Bartholomew Field Director RFB; lm e/c Mr. Wade Pierce, Chapter Chairman