THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence ‘Mareh 5, 1945 To the Faculty and Employees sf the University: We do not need an argument as te why we should give to the Red Cross, nor do we need to specify reasons as te hew much we can give. You know the answers to both. I have never talked to a Marine, a soldier er a sailer but who, upon every sccasion, said, "The Red Cross is teps with me, I have already made my contribution, It is the thing that keeps us living." I like this slegan: IF YOU CAN'T GO -- GIVE. And another hits me right in the middle: GIVE TO THOSE WHO GAVE. Why sheuld [ say more? The Red Cross drive started March lst, but sinee we had vacation, I thcught it better fcr this letter ts arrive at your desk after the semester vacatisn is over and you are ready te sa first things first. To facilitate your giving we are not asking anyene to call upon you, but we are asking that you mail your dsnation ta Rorm 107 Robinson Gymnasium, Presuming that you will make a eontributicn, we ate enclosing the Red Cross sticker and lapel clip, but if yeu find it impessible to give, kindly return them to this ere The faculty and emplsyees of the University have always given intelligently and respended most generously. I knew that you will de your share, The students are also being given an oppertunity to make their contribution. Yours for a generous and responsive gift. Very sincerely yours, Chairman, K.U. Red Cress Drive fer 1945.