Mey 1, 1945. Frefessor RE, ti. Lowrance, of Anatony, University of Fenses. ‘Dear Professor Lowrance: ss fnenk you very ich for your fine gesture toward the | Red Cress in this comnamity. Se ee contribution at your home et the University of Nevade, but I went i hee er ee Oe ee ee ee | I do want to visit with you at a very early opperam- ity and go ever inoidents conserning our mitual friend, "Doo" Martie. Be had a very difficult struggle in getting his education. He has , come up the hard way, but ho is a fine fellow. He has also had the miafertame to lose his first wife in a tragic my. 5 Te will be a pleasure to maot you at an only eppar tunity. Very sincerely yours, : pihicnitint it Cations Venom: PCA:aAH | Varsity Basketball Coach.