UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence February 15, 1943 Dear Fellow Faculty Members: The great American Mcther, the American Red Cross, is appealing tc yeu personally te aid in healing the naticn™s Wounds a4 in mivistering ts cur sens who are willing to make the supreme sacrifice. ‘The first week of March, 1943, is the time set by the American Red Cress for their membershan and war fund drive. Tho quota for Douglas Gevmty in the last war funi drive in Ceesnper, 1941, was $7,000. This year che quota which Must be raised is $17,150, an increase of cover ten theusand dollars. Because of the greatly increased amount cf the queta over the last campaign we have appointed an Advance Gitts Committee te do some Soliciting before Marsh Ist. This committee is comucsed cof the iciiawings Déen/Paul RB, Lawson, chairman, Deen D. M, war tueut. Desn i. J, Jakosky, H. G, Ingham, C. F, Nelson, and Sgt. Wm, kKollender,. To fasilitate your giving to this worthy cause I am listing herewith the members of “the Cencrul Committee for the University: J. W. Twente, I. 6. Rythor, .§ B. Latimer, Dr. R, I, Canuteson, K, W, Teavidson, #. B, Hus orfrrd, Cy M, Baker, R, Q. Brewster, J, D, stranathan, Wealchy Babcock, Laiia Walling, Ruth Kenney, Heilie Herris, The students aisco are being given an oppertunity to make their contri-+ butions, The faculty of the University of Kansas has always given intelligently and responded mest generously, I know that you will do your share, co Pn \ : purr Coy, so Sf . — . A ‘hairman. 0 a a ie ;