UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence February 24, 1943 Dear Friend: Tnose of us who are not in active military service want to feel that we are not mere spectators but active participants in this greatest of human dramas -- the present war. One of the best ways for us to do our part is through the Red Cross which during the _ first week of Narch is going to raise a quota of $17,150 in Douglas County as compared with a quota of $7,000 in 1941. The magnificent response of the University staff to the numerous recent calls for time and money have filled us with pride at its generosity and patriotism. We are glad to be the privileged colleagues of such a group. And so it is not the purpose of the undersigned committee on Special Gifts to urge unduly any member of the University staff to give more than he can and should to the Red Cross. Rather we simply call your attention to tne fact that our quota is about two and one- half times its former size and that, therefsre, all of us will be help- ing materially by raising our former corntribvticn in some such proportion. But whatever you give, we know it will be with generosity and gratitude for this opportunity of service. Will vou please send in your pledge cr contribution just as soon as possible to the office of Dr. F. C. Jllon, Chairman for the K.U. Red Cross Campaign? Sincerely, fn f BXouae oe. : P.S. KU. has always set the oe fdr thes community injhuch campaigns ยป We expect to do it again.