UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS } } : p Lawrence eres | ~ March 1, 1943 University Faculty and Employees: Many fesulty memoers have asked me what would be @ reason- able amount to give to the Americen Red Cross this year. One faculty meer stopoed me on the etree® thie wocning and asked this question. I told him thet if he gave $1.00 in 194], I thongne $2.00 or $2.50 would te a fine contcination this year. If you gave 33,00 in 1941, $5.0C would be a reascnadle amount. Let your couscienve be your guide in' this epportunity to serve the great American mother - the American Red Cross. My class in Community Recreation will contact the students. This is being done as a part of their project in Recreation in Mental Therapy and Recreation for the Physically Handicapped. Your contribution may be given to the persons in your building who have been designated as solicitors, as follows: Je W. Twente, T. C. Ryther, H. B. Latimer, Dr. Ks I. Canuteson, K. W. David- son, H. B. Hungerford, C. M. Baker, R. 9. Brewster, J. D, Stranathan, Wealthy Babcock, Lalia Walling, Ruth Kenney, Hallie Harris. Cr, if you desire to have someone see you we will be happy to send some one for. your contribution. I am leaving today with the basketball team for Columbia, Mo., but it is my urgent desire that the University campaign be a great SUCCESS. The response of the faculty in Advance Gifts to the Red Cross has been excellent, and I predict that we will go over the top. Very sincerely yours, sd pp paneer near eevee hi siney ve = Me ‘ ee wat Cac Mn Chattreae: Permegn Fr Riggs Goeee, Ce ee KU. ~~. soaks See ———