SUGGESTIONS FOR PLANNING FIELD VISITS by Miss Ethel Bowers National Recreation Association First Days Entire forenoon shovld be reserved for office conferences. Noon - Formal luncheon meetings should not be scheduled on this day if at all possible. Afternoon and Evening - Meetings, conferences, interviews or institute sessions as desirede Other Days: Not more than two two-hour institute sessions in one day, especially if other appointments or meetings are planned. Be sure to make appointments for her to meet key people, lead- ing lay women, especially those who are in a position to help promote the program, Also allow time for individual staff conferences (without interruptions) and for staff meeting or training coursee Last Days This is the best time for her to meet the Recreation Commission - or Boards to confer with influential city officials if desired; to place suggestions before key industrialists, civic leaders, lay women, etc. Time should be allotted for an advisory con- ference with the recreation superintendent, for preparing these suggestions and for a final conference at the conclusion of the visite If time permits and the recreation program will be benefited thereby, Miss Bowers will be glad to meet with allied organization leaders, P»TeAs, Kiwanis or other civic clubs, YeWeCoAe, civilian volunteer recreation committees, church leaders, settlement staffs or board members, any workers who are in a position to organize and promote recrea- tions She should not be scheduled to address children's groups, or lead games or conduct parties except as they are an outgrowth of the institute work. “Her most important contribution is leadership training and promotion of recreation, working with adult leaders, professional or volunteer, not playing games with childrens Professional and volunteer leaders in all interested organizations as mentioned above, should be urged to attend such institute classes. If an adult leader wishes to bring one or two junior leaders, fifteen years or older, who thoroughly understand attendance is solely for the purpose of obtaining training, they should be welcomed, but only if accompanied by a leader or parente NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION 315 Fourth Avenue New York 10, Ne Ye 10-43