6, UNWINDING: Foot lady unwinds spiral into circle formation by leading players under arched arms and being certain the arched arms of head tsuple are the last ones under which she passes. Foot lady and head gentleman join froe hands and finish in single circle formation, half facing center and half facing out with hands joined. 7. TESTING THE CLOTH: All face conter and lock elbows (strike chord for this). Take six small running steps to center and six back to place. epeat three timer. NOTH: Have players say IN 2, 5, 4, 5, 6, - OUT 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, and caution them to taxe first step towards center on word IN and first step backward on word OUT. I? for demonstrasion: Have players repeat the 6 steps in and 6 steps out once and then ali drop elbows and the head gentieman runs off stage with all others following singie fie, FI I IK HAR RING UP FOUR }ND MORE CIRCLE formation ee MUSIC: “It Ain't Gonna Rain No lore" Formetions Five couples in single circle, gent with lady on right. Number couples 1-2-3-4-5, Words: ae ‘Ring up four in the middle of the floor It ain't gonna rain no more" oe Break loose and trail her home It ain't gonna rain no more" REPEAT~ 3 “Now you're right, now you're wrong It ain't gonna rain no more" REPEAT : "Ring up six in the middle of the floor" Repeat all of above substituting six for four Repeat all--substituting cight for four Repeat all--substituting ten for four Action: . First and 2nd couples join hands and circle to left. fe All drop hands, turn around and walk in opposite direction. Se Join right hands with partner walk compietely around until facing opposite lady and gentleman---join left hands and walk completely around until facing partner then right hands with partnor. Couplo No. 1 and 2 take in 3rd couple by man of lst couple letting go of hand of his left hand lady. Repeat 2 and 3, Man of lst couple takes in 4th couple--repeat all . Man of lst couple takes in Sth couple--repeat all.