- For further information phone FROM National Recreation Association 515 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, Ne Ye / "Adults, as well as children, need play," says Anne Livingston of the National Recreation bikeeietton. The wise leader will start his adult parties with an activity which is simple but not childish." Many other éotivities and methods of the "wise" recreation leader will be demonstrated by Mrs. Livingston in her Recreation Leadership Training Institute to start locally on « Herself a skilled musician and recreation leader of wide experience, she has trained hundreds of leaders of adult recreation in institute classes. As a specialist in recreation leadership training for the National Recreation Association, Anne Livingston has conducted classes for leaders of children, teen agers, servicemen, and adults in recreation departments, schools, churches, service centers, youth agencies, avid many types of local organizations, This Training Institute is er sponsored jointly by the National Recreation Association and the local . Leaders in parent teacher associations, YilleCeAets, YeWeCeAe’s, churches, and othe loal institutions; in rural groups at servicemen's centers, will find games for adults, for banquets, for annual meetings, holidays, picnics, and family fun nights, taught by Anne Livingston in a play way at the Institute, but with variations which will make them adaptable to each individual organization's party theme. Classes will be held daily at - 30 =