FROM National Recreation Association x ' $15 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, Ne Ye "You never know where good leaders will come from," says Anne Livingston, Recreation Training Specialist of the National Recreation Association, who will arrive here next . to open. a Leadership Institute for all individuals interested in recreation, both professional ssid Youaeboss "Many rest= less. youth who may be considered predelinquents have excellent leadership qualities, initiative, skills, end abilities which need only to be redirected by an understand+ ing adult leader, Much delinquency is caused by meelont of parents, lack of neighborhood advantages, and the desire for things that money can buye if recreation leaders can help these young people obtain some of the security, the opportunity LOY selfwexpression, and the thrills which they now lack, many will become useful citizens, "We must, however, find these restless, alert children when they are young and trein then in as club leaders, monitors, junior leaders, and members of such groups as youth councilse Sometimes the shy child has unexpected een abilities but doesn't know it. It is the Leaders job to help these young people develop confidence in themselves and put their abilities to work for the benefit of all," continues Mrs bivibeston, who will devote part of each session at the Recreation Leadership Training Institute to be held in the building, to leadership methods and ways of organizing end using junior and senior councils, leaders! clubs, and volunteerse Anne Livingston, herself a recreation leader of long ssocpienes. has for the past seven years trained hundreds of professional and volunteer recreation leaders in institute courses, most recently in connection with the servicemen's center at Miami Beach, Florida, ‘the third largest in the countrye.