Why Not Hald a War-Time RECREATION TRAINING INSTITUTE Ou the K. Y. Campus? Conducted by a staff from the National Recreation Association The National Recreation Association of America, sponsored by the Depart- ment of Physical Education of the University of Kansas, will offer a one- week Recreation Training Institute, May 16-20, IF an advance enrollment of 75 members is secured by April 10th. We will use every available facil- ity to bring this institute to Lawrence, but YOUR cooperation is needed. WHY have a Recreation Training Institute? “ To train volunteers for War Time Community Recreation programs in Kansas. * To bring new vision, inspiration, techniques and activities. * To revitalize existing programs. * To develop higher leadership standards. * To help volunteers obtain better results and give better service. iis —— will the Institute be held? For those volunteers who are concerned with the recreational needs of the community. * Chamber of Commerce Secretaries. * Service Clubs: Rotary, Kiwanis, Co-Op, Lions, etc. * Farm Bureaus. * Business and Professional Women’s Clubs. “ Fraternal Organizations: Elks, Masons, !.0.0.F., Eagles, etc. 2 YIWCA,. = ¥.M:GA: * Youth Clubs: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4-H Clubs. * Churches and Leaders of Youth. * Camp Counsellors. * American Legion. * Parent-Teacher Associations. * Community Recreation Councils. * Women’s Clubs — A.A.U.W., League of Women Voters, Soroptimist, City Clubs, etc. * Physical Education Directors. * Anyone interested in this type of work. WHAT is the content of such a course? * Activity programs. * Music for fun. * Techniques. “Mixers. * Organizational procedures. * Parties for special events. * Practical suggestions. DAILY SESSIONS — May 16-20 — 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. 7:00- 8:20 Lecture-discussion Saturday Sessions 8:20- 8:30 Intermission 10:00-12:00 a.m. 8:30-10:00 Practical activities 2:00- 4:00 p.m. FEES for the Institute: General fee for entire course $1.50 Student fee 1.00 Saturday sessions only a