TYPES OF SERVICES AVAILABLE Anne Livingston’s technical knowledge and experience is available upon request to help communities with RECREATION ACTIVITIES INSTITUTE — an elementary or begin- ners’ program for those men and women recently entering recreation leadership as assistants or as summer workers, and for volunteers and laymen in public and private agencies, churches, clubs, chairmen of so- cial or recreation committees and for mothers interested in home play. CO-RECREATION INSTITUTE — an advanced program for profes- sional recreation workers, physical education teachers, church young people’s leaders and mature volunteers with background and experience with adolescents and adults who are interested in co-recreation and com- munity activities for all ages and who are in a position to organize and promote councils and projects. This is not a children’s games institute. PLAYGROUND LEADERS INSTITUTE — a practical course offering suggestions for community use of playgrounds; for organizing councils, committees, clubs; conducting special events; and including actual par- ticipation in many games for all ages. CONSULTATION — conferences with community groups having a spe- cial interest in the promotion of programs for teen age boys and girls and the establishment of youth centers — conferences on planning rec- reation programs for all ages— making recommendations for further development of recreation programs now in existence — assistance in any way in initiating new programs or developing already existing ones. For further information regarding Mrs. Livingston’s services and for outlines of institutes, write to the NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION, 315 Fourth Avenue, New York 10, N.Y.