WHY HAVE A NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION TRAINING INSTITUTE IN YOUR CITY? To train new staff workers, especially for summer playgrounds To train new volunteers | To establish new programs To revitalize existing programs with new ideas To bring new vision, techniques, and activities to long-time staff members To help tried-and-true volunteers to obtain better results and greater satis- factions in service e To establish higher leadership standards. FOR WHOM IS THE INSTITUTE GIVEN? For those whom YOU enlist who are concerned with the recreational needs of YOUR community. In many cities where similar institutes have been held, representatives of the following groups have attended: Staff, committee, and volunteer members of the Recreation Department Churches Settlements Servicemen’s centers Girl Scouts 4-H Clubs and Extension groups Boy Scouts Red Cross recreation workers Camp Fire Girls Parent Teacher Associations Y.M.C.A. - American Legion and Auxiliary Y.W.C.A. Youth leaders of Co-ops, Masons, etc. Y.M. and Y.W.H.A. Camp counselors Jewish centers and organizations Industrial leaders Catholic Youth organizations and centers Hospitals and institutions Boys’ clubs Labor unions Girls’ clubs WHAT IS THE CONTENT OF THE COURSES? Games, activity programs, techniques, practical suggestions to meet your need. To mention only a few of the subjects you may wish to select: Games for all ages Stunt songs Creative games, active games, games for small spaces, quiet games, games for hot weather and rainy days Dramatics for fun for everyone Music for fun for everyone Parties and social recreation i How to meet the needs of neighborhoods Gay parties for lively people Parties for special days Fun for threesomes Banquet games and ideas Servicemen’s centers—-what the man in uniform Musical mixers and folk games likes and dislikes. Conduct of playgrounds, community centers and youth centers Sessions are held twice daily—two hours each morning and either afternoon or evening for five consecutive days. You may select two courses. It is possible to arrange combinations of courses best suited to your needs.