Miss Hagel Lee Simmons, Principal, Cordley School, lLewrense, Kansase Dear Miss Simnons* We are inieed grateful to you and to Cordley Sehool for the privilege of using your Rhythm Band instruments during our Recreation Training Institutes They added much to the pleasure of everyone present. With appreciation of your fine cooperation, i om Very sincerely yours, May 22, 1944. Mee and lirse James Reiter, Buildings and Grounds Depte, Your contribution added muh to the pleasure of the persons attending the Institute. Thank you so muche Sincerely yours, Directar of Physical Education, FCAsAH Versit y Basketball C cache May. 22,5 1944. nonpeyahiisens Flower Shop, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Friends: : I want you to know of our simere appreciation for the use of the two flower wases you last week while our Recreation Training being helde We were able to secure fresh flowers daily fron the talesonl ls anibaiine, nd the Sind Oak we lad oh able vases to hold them added much to thepleasure of the persone attending the Training Institute. Thank you so much for your kindnesse if Very sinserely y ours, Direetor of Physical Education, FCAgAH weresty Basketball Coache May 22, 1944 Mire Howard Braucher, President, Natiom1 Reoreation Association, $15 Fourth Avemue, New York City, Nee Dear lire Brausher 3 I am enclosing herewith the University's voucher for $125.00 for the services of Mrs. Ame Livingston who conducted a most suscessful Recreation Training Institute at the University of Kansas last weeke I am also enclosing a letter which I wrote lrse Livingston expressing our appreciation of her splendid effortse One hundred forty persons registered far the Training institute, and an average of 125 attended each sessione We are tremendously pleased with the success of the Training Institute, and we are deeply grateful to oo Recreation Association for making it poss 9 Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA3AH eee Varsity Basketball Coaches Exe May 20, 1944. Mra. Anne Livingston, Campus, University of Kansas. Dear Mrs. Livingston: I want you to know how enjoyed your exceptional work here on the campus of the University. Your pleasing and exceptional person- ality did wonders for our people. The fine command that you exhibited in teaching our people is greatly appreciated. We are indebted to you and we wish you every success in your splendid work. | Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. a ee ‘Tae MeEnNNINGER SANITARIUM TopEeKA, KANSAS May 12, 1944 Dr. Forrest ¢. Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for the prompt answer to my in- quiry about the training institute. Some of us will surely plan to attend most of the meetings. Sincerely, « Woolworth Recreational Director KW:dac ee FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY OFFICE OF COMMUNITY WAR SERVICES 800 Kansas Avenue Topeka, Kansas May 13, 1944 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens: Thank you for your letter of May 8 enclosing information regarding the Recreation Institute to be conducted on the University Campus. I am distritmting a few copies of the material to committees in communities where I have worked. I also hope to attend a portion of the session myself. Sincerely rs . Dal I ia. J. Lee Brown Field Recreation Represent ative JLB:tim t | DEPOSITED a THE CASHIER pipe bsvmesin F KANSAS Be 3 “ He BAS. noheh > SOC 0 abet an ~ OP ee es sa he es rs es oe 64 oe Checks (List each check or draft separately) er on i i/ : | VE CAL st f 4 f { [ : \ : Gh : ; i - = 4 thik gia i a a “* Sioa A} a #3 eorem(. ! £3,194. 4 wa won wee cw cece he gocs Soon 5 oe Uwe o Ub ae. Woes =< <2. oe ae 19-6826 3-48—5M STATE OF KANSAS Form No. 49 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT N° 9807 re Kansas,.............. a Dap 28, a 19} Fy A ie 0) fe S) f { ‘ Ay ; CH Received from_.....” geese er CA @ gViow eee a MAL. SF Shed G io oe ee “DOLLARS — = cae gtd ge EE oN er oe epee operon ee ee ee oo po Oe 0) Ladue — ee enlegn) a WA... Lak S: Te. ] 11-42—10M Sets aR —-— x “—E v Seenemeerest eer : - ee SAE CHOAY Vanes pe ree Teas. 8 _— DEPOSITED — THE CASHIER i ile. THE UNIVER er} OF KA _ By 23 “he AY OIA) SS duca. Non es Dept ee. Bey Gas ol Se eee oe ES ok ee a As ss i oes Checks (List each check or draft separately) "Yea, ; e's t —. oe Scum 7 tet a Gs Received afte above jisted — ap frdty (Lid [A dbs ahs st so cipeisaae A /ete pl IE 6 ohn nono ons on nw enn - = ern co Nb dec ecb scsonsc-==20 Cashier. 19-6826 3-483—5M STATE OF KANSAS Form No. 49 BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS AND BOARD OF REGENTS OFFICIAL RECEIPT N° 9804 Layrence, Kansas... ears & ae... ee 19 : C Received from: RAD oS RAL Mey tA. 3 Wf) La my, A) st — : : Auchard, Rosemary S Cooper, Jeanne S Cooper, Rachel ' Hill, Vernie s Jones, Davida S-Leigh, Pearl 5 Pollen, Jeanette Richards, Barbara Wilder, Sheila ee ee Anderson, Claudia Howe, Darlene os bia = Tit Tpordraggl 5 Ne: Cc Ts ak SS Sots ~ Vv 4. PMartin, Ann March 25, 1944. Mr. Jd. Patrick Rooney, National Recreation Association, 315 Fourth «venue, New York 10, N.Y. Dear Pat: I am addressing you in New York so that you oan be advised that wo have accepted the dates of May 16 to 20 for our Institute here at the University of Kansas. We are printing publicity material for ow Institute and the first of the week we will mail you a copy of the SANG. We appreciate your cooperation in advising different areas in our. state who have made inquiries regarding this Institute. We will advise you from time to time regarding the progress we are making. Very sincerely yours, : | Mirector of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. a 3 : | - ; : ; s ; ,, 4 %, aN ba y %] A a CLASS OF SERVICE : = \ ] E 5 l E RN, SYMBOLS —— isa By es Co _DL=Day Letter . Telegram or Cable- Bg = eae unless its de- ‘ LS ee la ein erred character is in- se = UGw Deferred Cable dicated 7 a suitable : symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS NEWCOMB CARLTON ac: Se : Ship Radiogram CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD i ee ad The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STAN] DARD TIME. at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME 4 AR i to {yi ‘ KAZA7 LG=DESMOINES JOWA 16 1016A a eee DR FORREST C ALLEN,DIRECTOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION= KANSAS eureces TT THE ASSOCIATION WILL BE HAPPY TO COOPERATE WITH YOUR DEPARTMENT TO MAKE AVAILABLE TO LAWRENCE AND ADJACENT COMMUNITIES AS WELL AS YOUR STUDENTS A RECREATION TRAINING INSTITUTE WITH MRS ANNE LIVINGSTON WEEK MAY 16 THROUGH MAY 20% ACCORDINGLY, PLEASE SCHEDULE MAY 15 PM MEETINGS WITH PLANNING COMMITTEES AND MRS LIVINGSTON ON GENERAL CONTENT OF COURSE, BACKGROUND OF REGISTRANTS; ATM WITH COMMUNITY AND WITH STUDENTS, ETC YOU WILL RECEIVE GENERAL PUBLICITY MATERTAL AND MATS, AS WELL AS SUFFICIENT SUPPLY POSTERS FOR UNIVERSITY AND COMMUN ITY= PAT ROONEY 16 20 15 PMs THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE le The family that plays together stays together, oleims Mra. Ame Livingston, of the National Recreation Association, Games and More games for children + for teen agers ~ for adults - are featured in fun elasses at the Wartime Recreation Training Institute in Robinson Gymmasium every evening this week. Are you having e party soon, a dence at your club, need new ideas? Come this evening at 7 o'clock to Rebinson Gymnasium. 26 What are you going to do with your children this summer? Or that gang that hangs out in the backyard with your son or deughter? Sure, you'd like to help them. Ideas, and more ideas, are yours for the asking at the daily recreation classes this week at the University of Kansas. You are invited. Mrs, Anne Livingsten, of the National Recreation Association of New York City, is here to lead the classes. What about your next party? Got any ideas? At the Recreation Training Institute you will find plenty of new, stimulating games, misical mixers, brain teasers end quizzes. 3. - Housewives, will you help <= the Y.iW., 4H Clubs, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls and summer recreation program need you. Youth is our most priceless asset. One how a day frem you is cheap insurance for Lawrencw's welfare. Mrs. Anne Livingsten, ef the ~ ee National Recreation Association of New York City, is leading fm classes at the Univer- _ sity of Kansas every evening this week from 7 to 10 pems in Robinson Gymasi.um,. Come - have fim ~ learn new games « new party ideas, square dances, puzzles, playground activities, and help Lawrence build strong bedies and mids for future, 4e S oe Are you in charge of your shureh's recreation? Ars you on that planing committee for ue a the spring social? What about your young people's groups? Need any new ideas on a parties, canes, songs, for that noxt get-together at the clurch - social hall? Mrs, Ame Livingston, of the National Recreation Association of New York City, is in charge : : of the Recreation Training Institute at the University of Kansas this week, Join the other leaders = have fun - and help you church's recreation programs Remember, this evening from 7 to 10 pems in Robinson Gymmsiune | Be Will you help build a happier Lawrence? Do you have some spare time to help Y.We é Yelle = 48 Clubs = your om family or neighborhood - your church group - your PTA - or sumer recreation plygromd? Join Mrs. Anne Livingston's fun classes at the University of Kensas this week. Have wei been investing in the happiness of youth? = Dividends are paid daily. New ideas, programs, games, all sorts of recreation : ; material at the Wartine Recreation Training Institute in Robinson Gymmasiumn every a evening this week from 7 to 10 pette Meike PE ates, Se eae SS stihl Sabah ek ah Lepiaela nelt Sa yaaa: Gay parties for lively people - and who in Lawrence isn't lively? Games for all ages, Rice fergie he i qup Te Sei ge ae ated Aa a ie, SR creative games, active games, games for small spaces, quiet games, games for hot weather and rainy days - musicel mixers, folk games, vest bap + al) Ms oh Recreation Training Institute at the University of kansas each evening this week. Fun sessions are held from 7 to 10 peme in Robinson Gymmasiun by Mrs. Anne Livingsten of the National Reoreation Association of New York City. Would you like. ts help your family, your PTA group , church, neighborhood, the Y.M. - Y.W., Boy and Girl Scouts, Campfire girls, 4H Clubs, or the swmer recreation grogram of your city? Get the latest materials in recreation leadership by actually playing with other leaders this evening in Robinson Gymmasium, We'll look for you at 7 o'clooke . KPXU BROADCAST © May 18, 1944 : Mre, Anne Livingston Announcers As a public service feature of KFKU, we are most happy to have with us in the studio this evening, lirs. Anne Livingston, National Recreation Association, of New York City, who is conducting recreation leadership training classes each evening this week in Robinson Gymasium at the University of Kansas, for all the people of Lawrence and nearby tows who are interested in recreation for youth recreation for adults. : lirs. Livingston, tell us, © just what 4e the National Recreation Asscoiation? Mrs. Livingston: well, igry » the National Recreation Association is a private agency supported solely by private contributions raised by volunteer sponsors whose only goal « and this is true since 1906 = has been working with the 8,000 commmities of these United States to help them, to quote our charter, "find the most satisfying we of leisure tine; that every child in dnerica shall | have a chance to play." Announcer: That is a most noble goal, and one that we can see the value of in these trying days of broken families, men and women in war service, and industrial concentration in our cities. But how does the Asscoiation do this? Mrs. Livingston: We do this by working with the local forces, We believe that every orgenization has much to contri bute to this. The wines of the Y.W.C.Ac, the YeMeCohe, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the 4 1 Clubs, the schools, the churches, the city recreation couneils, the youth committees of civic clubs, the ParenteTeachers Association e- are all worthy of all the aid that we can give them through our field service. We believe that recreation, as religion, Mrs _» is the responsibility of the local commmity. They must decide a2e that they went it, and after making that decision, they must find the tools, finanoially and otherwise, to implement it locally. We do not believe, nor do you, I think, that a recreation program is something that can be superimposed from the eubidtdes Recreation is the people's program © it must come from the people « it represents thoir desires ani wishes - end they must put it into action, Announcer: Is this something new in America? Mrs, Livingston: My goodness, noj. Public reoreation started with the sand gardens in Boston in 1870, Last year, over 500 American commmities supported year-- round programs of commmity recreation, and spent some $40,000,000 of tax funds, mainly for leadershipe At the present tim, Mir, » recreation is regarded as a mmicipal responsibility, to be supported by tax funds, the same, for oneng ie, as public health service or the collection of garbage or the provision of good streets, Recreation for the mss of the people is good in itself, needs no such excuse as the eradication of juvenile delinquency that many of our wollemeening friends attempt to attach to it, and is a necessity of all the people in any Americen commmitye You people of Lawrence have one of the most splendid comamity buildings I have ever seen, with excellent volunteer helpe T hope that you ean soon have # program in operation seven days a weeke IT am happy to kmow about your swaser recreation program.for Lawrence children « for this reer = em ineludes plans for eran, art studio, Red Cross swimning ins trenton, ami teeneage activities, a Announcer: You are of the opinion, then, dirs. Livingston, that Lawrence is on the right track? | og- Mrs. Livingston: If the experience of the past forty years is worth anything, if the lessons Gf this war crisis have been brought home and we are to profit by them, then @ system of public recreation is the most worthwhile inves tment that the people of Lewrence can makes Dividends in youth are paid daily, invest early. : Announcer: Thank you. We are glad to get the coments of one with sush a wide experience as yours, But, Mra. Livingston, you haven't told us just exactly what you are doing in Lawrences You have told us all about the trends of the National Recreation Association, but a charming person such as wemrinit mus t be contributing quite actively here in our city, and ow listeners would like te mow more about your training course for volunteer recreation leaders, Mre. Livingston; Hach evening this week, ani all day Saturday, in Robinson Gymmasiua on your lovely campus, I am meeting with the leaders from the churches, the - ParenteTeacher Association, the schools, the girl scouts, the Y.M.G.A. and the YeWeCoke, members of your Lawrence Recreation Comeil, interested housewives, recreation leaders from your Sunflower Village, Maskell Institute, and representatives of your civic clubs © and we are going through the various activities that comprise @ recreational program « el for all ages, recreational music, stunt songs, creative dramtics, musical mixers « a whole gamut of activities. All the people of Lawrence and vioinity are invited. I hope to see meny of your listeners there tomorrow evening at Robinson Gymnas iun at 7 Pelle Announcer? I suppose in any commmity the size of Lawrence there are many types of people to be reached in a recreation programs ote Mrs, Livingston: Yes. We have different types of people « which we might divide into these fow’ groups e the athletic, the creative, the mental, and the social. Chey Lien Mftorens types ef nethvitics, ~ ce.we plen purties und activities in order timt each type will have at. least a few of their favorite forme of iahinstden: Per Seatenta, es » I would like to tell you a love etorye eceese Announcer? A love story$ Well, we certainly would like to hear one, Ks. Livingston: In this case, as in most of the others, it takes two people to make a love storye Will you help me? _ Announcer: Let's go§ Mrs, Livingston: Now, every tume that I play, you name it. Ready »« e « ° "Musical Story" (about 4 mine) Mree Livingston: Wasn't that fun? Just an exemple, and everyone ean make up their own shen. For instance, stories of the services, the clubs © how they were — organtseds Bible stories, using favorite hyms; Mother Goose rhymes for children; » etenye, the popular Rite of the day for the teenagers Announcer: What do you do to mix up a crowd at a party? Mrse Livingston: A little musical mixers - Couples or Threesomes. : ésnouneer: What do you mean by threesomes? Mrs. Livingston: Ad Lib. "““oney, you can't love one" , | “Pass the Ammunition" ~5e jnnoumeer;: . How about when we're all tired from dancing, - and these mixers, What do we do then? Mrrse Livingston: A quiet game, a brain teaser. For example: Humber of relatives Humen checkers « Cook*s questionaire Amnouncert Gee, I’ve had a good time. If timt's a sample of recreation, let's have more in Lamrenee, Thank you, Mrse Livingston, You have been listening +0 Mrs, Anne Livingston of the National Recreation Assooiation of New York Gity, who is here in Lawrence this week conducting training sessions in reereaticnel leadership for all these who are interested. The classes are in Robinson Gymasium at the University of Keflses, meeting each evening from 7 until 10 pete, end on Saturday from 10 seme: to 12 noon, and from 2 to 4 pete