March 14, 1942. Ur, Earl JONES, Ae Ge Spalding Brose Athletic Goods Coe, Keneas City, Ho. Dear Earl: Will you please inflate two Spalding Lestbilt DL Charge them to the combined account of the Oklahomn Aggies Se eee geme at the Auditorium. : not F ee en eet oteke te to the proper poundage so the resiliency will be the same. I talked to Henry Ibs Ibe this morning and he asked if we would have the balls ready. Very sincerely yours, Director Physical Bducetion and Recreation, FCAAH Varetty Basketball and Saseball Coach. WESTERN UNION Columbia, Mo. March ile Dr, Pets Allen. Holding poll for preference of ball for N.C.A.A. Eames» Wire immediately your first and second choices, giving | HAm~~¢ f. ¢ 4 Aeted J type and maker. Majority vote will determine selection. Will wire you results as soon as known. George Edwards\. POSTAL TELEGRAPH s Kansas City, Mo. March 1l. Dr, ¥ C, Allen. Advise return Postal Telegraph if we can publish program for play-off games K. U. - Oklahoma Aggies, Tuesday, March 17. We published the N.C.A.A. Programs. The Midwest Agency, 120 Wirtham Bldg. Yamicipal Auditorium, Keanses City, Hoe Dear Ure Zachman: The Kansas City, Kansas, peels wet wenn Side cr icin ik tt ee ae to got than. I would appreciate it if you could place 150 tickets in the hands of Mr. Tom Van Cleave, Jre, at the County Attorney's office, Court House, Kansas City, Kensaae Mr. Van Cleave, Sr., is a member of the Ff. U. Athletic Board, and he and his son have a law firm in the Camorce Building in Kansas City, Kensase If you wll get in touch with Tom Van Cleave, dre, regarding these tickets I will appreciate it. Sinserely yours, Direetor of Physical Siennbtinn at Mien FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ce ~ Tom Van Cleave, dre = March 15, 1942. Mr. Eugene Zachman, Municipal Auditoriun, Kansas City, Ho. Dear Mr. Zachman: . am enclosing copy of a letter I have just received from Mr. Paul D. Hinkle, of the Great Lakes Training Station, and a copy of my reply to hin. I would like to know what date you think would be best in the way of a drawing card «- Christmas week, between semesters, or when would be the best tims to mect then. We will have a pretty good team and I think it would be a nice chance to make some money, as we will -. have even more Kansas City boys on the team next year then we heave had this year. As soon as I hear from you I will write Mr. Hinkle. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Hiucation and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Waroh 13, 1942. Mre Elmer F. Hier, -Muehlebach Hotel, Kansas City, Hos Dear Mr. Hier: Our University of Kansas basketball team will come in to Kensas City Monday efternoon, March 16th, on the one o'clock streamliner, and we would like to - go directly to you hotel. There will be at least twelve, and not more than seventeen, in the party. We want twin beds, and the same arrangement we had the last time we played in Kensas City. Thanking you for your courtesy, I am Sincerely yours, . _ Direoter of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. March 15, 1942. Lt. Commander J. Russell Cook, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. Dear Rusa: When your wire came I was deluced with a thousand other details here at my administrative desk. I dictated a wire to you, but did not send it. It simply cot covered up in the mass of detail on my desk. I am enclosing a copy of it herewith. Doubtless you read in the paper of my desire to play you because I gave it to the press thinking that I would send the wire at once. I am honest when I say I do not think we have the team to go through this N.C.A.A. tournament. We may get knooked off Tuesday night in the play-off with the Oklahoma Agcies. However, I do want you te know that we would be de- lighted to meet your boys again, and I hope that we may have the opportunity. You have a fine group of sportsmen and it was a pleasure for our boys to meet your fine team. With all cood wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH ; Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. 3 ; : . De ee er eee — v ; EK S | E RN a —— a ee is a- as { DL=Day Letter egram or Cable- a gram leek. dee ( oh) NT=Overnight Telegram erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. 8B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. ©. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT | ONS eee ef The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STAN DARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at ‘point of destination KAV16 65 NT=TDVW GREATLAKES TLL MAR 10 B42 MAR | MMs 20 FORREST C ALLEN= BASKETBALL COACH U OF KANS ~ IF YOU SHOULD WIN THE Ne Che As. CHAMP 1 ONSHIP THE GREATLAKES NAVAL TRAINING STATION BASKETBALL TEAM WOULD LIKE TO PLAY YOU IN KANSASCITY ON MARCH 31ST FOR NAVY RELIEFs IN THESE DIFFICULT TIMES IT 1S NEEDLESS TO SAY HOW MUCH YOU WOULD BE CONTRIBUTING TO THE NAVY PROGRAM AND HOW THE PUBLIC WOULD RECOGNIZE SUCH A CONTRIBUTION» PLEASE WIRE US COLLECT ADVISING YOUR DECISION= ‘LT CDR J RUSSELL COOK ATHLETIC OFF 1 CER« ry A Ae COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICH Mareh 15, 1942. Mr. James Hixon, Municipal Auditeriun, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Jinmys: In reply to your wire I am sending you herewith our team roster and uniform numbors. I am sending the nuubers for both the red and white suita, but we prefer to wear the white. I have notified Henry Iba of our preference, and asked him to oall me if he had any ob- jection to this plan. | I em also returning to you the original copy of the contract for the Arena for Tuesdey, Mareh 17th, which I have signed. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enol. o ehte tng RAG, AND. ea beeRt This ea Made on the ith day il ' : ‘MARCH Ce engi by. and between the City of Kiansas City, Missouri, a municipal corporation, represented in the entering of ns. contract by the Municipal Auditorium Director, hereinafter designated as the Lessor, party of the first part, and Dr. Forrest oe Saye agent ve popresentativen! of 5 | : ‘Director of Phy gt oat: Bauoation, Undveres ty of Kansas. party’ of etre second part; hereinafter designated. as Leaking: bs 26 OF Ws yecezesLA Inebed: voue uz WITNESSETH: | | | waut That ‘the party of the first Part, the Lessor, Kansas City, Missouri, in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein ‘contained, and of the faithful performance of the Lessee of all such. covenants and agree- ments hateby grants unto, said Lessee the right to use and occupy. the -srena on Tuesday, March 17, 1gde. of: is joNeaiaiek Neale Building, signthted at 13th & Wyandotte: Sts, Kansas City, Missouri, for ‘the ee — no" ee _ alpen to wit: it Basket Bail ‘gauie (nN, OsAeAe) Playott, Her be during the: ‘AeaNe and upon the sates hereinafter ae to wit: SET | uP* - » SR BRET, Pane ball ‘set-up) ee ai OOP, it to mba cron i WO que ‘OL botuig £0 po o ud beLe Of este] REMOVAL u Ba oe with such) apekiat i acipaiienrscs as are here set forth rrr Ae y TF JUACL Hee The Lessor further agrees? ote permit the Lessee, ‘upon the faithful SRP EBRAREMCE of the terms of f this lease, peaceably and quietly ee ave hold and enjoy the use of. said premises for the Purposes , and % the term: aforesaid, accidents, and HReUBAAPE delays excepted. ye ‘To. iecichs at the Lessors, expense, reasonable. heat for. the said premises for the. purposes aforesaid, accidents and er oe a ‘ Lu QO bj AYt¢ gales. vee dat 4, Te, “furnish, water oom the eases ‘City. Water. Works, means ‘at ‘ia conularly installed, appliances for ordinary. toilet and drinking punpases: only, accidents aes unavoidable: aiblayss omar’ WoU a Fo tarnish standard sets. of Peserved seat tickets, to: handle the ) Vance: sale..of tickets: ovide the: customary eevekuart. é : in) the: Arena and to hieh rai apnyere. Shakey! ‘tekers, #3 £7 ‘ 3 4 tm saushers. The Lessee hereby covenants and agrees: 1. To pay to the said Lessor for its rights under this Lease and Agreement the sum of $1.00 e¢ to be paid at the time this contract is signed, plus 20% of all ga receipts after deduction of federal and state taxes. te Both the Lessor and the Lessee agree and understand that if a flat rate is to be paid for the rights of the Lessee under this contract and lease, then the Lessee is to pay all municipal, state and federal taxes upon the receipts taken in, which are required to be paid, whether in the nature of a sales tax, amusement tax, privilege tax or any other kind of a tax, and if the Lessee claims to be exempt from any such tax the Lessee shall in advance obtain in writing a statement acknowledging its exemption from the proper governmental branch and present such statement to the Director of the auditorium in advance of the particular performance or occasion that the exemption relates to. Further, in the absence of such a presented exemption the party of the first part is hereby granted a lien upon all moneys received in its custody for any performance, exhibition or other public use and from such money shall be entitled to take therefrom such sum as is necessary to pay the tax or taxes owing. lf the party of the second partis to: pay a:percentage: of the»receipts taken in on any performance, exhibition or, other public use for its. rights received, under. this contract.and lease, then the party of the first part has a general lien over all such money taken in with the right to take from such money such sum as is necessary to pay said tax or taxes, and then from the remaining amount the parties hereto take their specified percentages. Further, the party of the first part has a lien over all box office receipts with the right to take therefrom the money owed it as rental under this contract and lease, and also a lien over said box office receipts for the purpose of and with the right to deduct from said box office receipts a sufficient amount of money to pay the costs of stage hands, musicians, ushers, door men, ticket takers, spot light operators, motion picture operators, and any and all other employees of said Lessee who may be called in, either by said Lessor or by said Lessee, for the, convenience of said Lessee and at the said Lessee’s request, for said attraction pro- vided for by this contract and lease, it being distinctly understood and agreed, however, that all and each of the above mentioned employees are and remain employees of the Lessee herein solely, and the Lessor is in no way or manner responsible for any moneys whatsoever claimed by said employees for work or labor done in any way in connection with said attraction. - The party of the first part and the party of the second part agree that: 1. The party of the first part will not advertise any performance, exhibition, attraction, or public dis- play except with the specific permission of the Director of the auditorium as to the means and manner of such advertising, and shall advertise only in such papers and by such means and in such a manner as the Auditorium Director agrees to, and no billing, distributing or advertising of any kind whatsoever in the newspapers, or in any other form, paper, or manner shall be done by the Lessee without the actual and specific consent of the Auditorium Director. A violation of this clause is agreed and understood to be against the essence of this a and shall be considered a violation of the whole contract, rendering it voidable at the option of the essor. sity 2ievThat said Lessee:willecomply with all rules and requirements of the Police Department and Fire De- artment and other municipal authorities of Kansas City, and will obtain and pay for all necessary permits and licenses, and will not do nor suffer to be done anything on said premises during the term of this lease in violation of law. 3. That said Lessee shall not injure, nor mar, nor in any manner deface said premises, and shall not cause or permit anything to be done whereby the said premises shall be in any manner injured, marred or défaceds‘and will not drive or permit to be driven, nails, hooks, tacks or screws into any part of said building and will not make nor allow to be made any alterations of any kind therein; that no bills, signs or other articles shall be pasted, nailed or otherwise attached to any part of the interior of said building in such manner as to injure, deface or destroy the same, nor shall any signs, bills or other articles be in any manner attached to the exterior walls or said premises or any other portion of said premises without the approval of the Director of the auditorium. — Om Ft 2 HGLG L @06 : 4. That if said premises or any portion of said building during the term, of this lease shall be damaged by the act, default or negligence of the Lessee, or of the Lessee’s agents, employees, patrons, guests or any person admitted to said premises by Lessee, Lessee will pay to the Lessor upon demand such sum as shall be necessary to restore said premises to their present condition. The Lessee hereby assumes full responsibility for: the character, acts and conduct of all persons admitted) to said premises by or with the consent of any person acting for or in behalf of said Lessee, and said Lessee agrees to have on hand at all time sufficient police force to maintain order and protect persons and property. The-Lessor assumes no liability for injury of any nature to persons or property received in or about said building and premises and the Lessee coven- ants and agrees to make no claim against the Lessor for damages for such injuries, and agrees*to indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor against any claim for damages of such character, either to the Lessee or to any. employees.or to other persons, including patrons or guests.of the Lessee. 5... That.said Lessee. shall not assign.this. lease nor suffer any use of the said, premises other. than that herein specified, nor let nor underlet the same, nor suffer any article to be brought into or act done on said premises which vitiate or increase the premiums on the policy or policies of insurance held by the Lessor on its building, of which said premises are a part. "116. °That the Advisory Board of the Municipal Auditorium and the Municipal Auditorium Director and anyone who shall present from them or him in writing a proper statement that that person is to be admitted, shall have at’all) times: free ‘access ‘to ‘said premises) for the purpose of making necessary inspections or attend to any other matter which is usual and customary in the managing and regulating of said building. Further, that the Advisory Board of the Municipal Auditorium, through the Director of the Municipal Auditorium, shall have the right to select from the entire list of boxes, four boxes, if the performance, exhibition or display is given in the-arena’of the Municipal Auditorium, and if given anywhere else in the Municipal Auditorium, then the Advisory Board of the Municipal Auditorium, through the Director of the Auditorium, shall have the right to select from the entire list of available seats numbér of seats of his own choice, all said boxes and seats being provided:to said Director for each and every performance, exhibition or display given, without cost.or other remuneration. ; i , i andl ..,. 1. That the keys and other locking devices shall at.all times be in the possession and control of the Lessor. 8. Said Lessee agrees to abide by and conform to all rules and regulations from time to time adopted by or prescribed by the Lessor, for the government and management of said building; to take the proper care of the demised premises during said term; to quit and surrender up said demised premises to the Lessor at the end of said term in the same condition as at the date of the commencement of this contract and lease, ordinary use and wear thereof only excepted. The Lessee hereby acknowledges ‘and recognizes that certain portions of the Municipal Auditorium and certain functions that are carried on therein operate under certain union regulations and on a union basis. The Lessee agrees that if his particular function, exhibition, display, or use, is of the type that comes within these union rules recognized by the Director of the Municipal Auditor- ium, then the Lessee agrees to operate under them and abide by them. 9. That if the said premises, or any part thereof, shall become vacant during said term, the Lessor or its representatives may re-enter the same either by force or otherwise without being liable for any prosecution therefor, and may at its own option relet the said premises as the agent of said Lessee and receive the rent therefor, applying the same, first, to payment of such expenses as may be incurred in re-entering and relett- ing said premises, and then to the payment of the rent due under this contract and lease; the surplus, if any, to be paid over to the Lessee, and said Lessee covenants and agrees hereby to pay to the Lessor, on demand, the balance, if any, of the rental herein agreed to be paid remaining after deducting the net rental resulting from such reletting; but nothing herein contained shall be construed as imposing any obligation on the Lessor to relet or attempt to relet the said premises nor does the Lessor assume any such duty, nor shall anything herein contained be construed in any way to affect the obligation of the Lessee to pay the full amount of said rental in case said premises shall not be so relet. 10. That in case the Municipal Auditorium Building, or any part thereof, shall be destroyed or damaged by fire or any other cause, or if any other casualty or unforseen occurrence, including strikes, lockouts, boycotts and civil insurrections, shall render the fulfillment of this lease by the Lessor impossible, then and thereupon this lease shall terminate; and in the event the term of this lease shall have begun prior to any such occurrence, the Lessee shall pay rental for said premises up to the number of hours as the unit of measuring at the rate herein specified;.and in,the event of any such occurrence prior to the beginning of the term of this lease, then this lease shall not become effective; and in either event, said Lessee hereby waives any claim, for damages or compensation because of any such termination. 11. That the Lessor and its employees, servants and agents shall not be responsible for any damage ‘or injury that may happen to the property of the Lessee, or to the property of the Lessee’s agents, servants ‘and employees,,or to property that may belong to any other person, including any of the general public that ‘may attend said leased portion of the Auditorium, where said loss arises from theft, fire or any other circum- , Stance, and said Lessee hereby expressly releases Lessor from said losses and agrees to indemnify it against ‘any and all claims for such loss, damage or injury in cases both where the Lessee is the actor and in cases ‘where the Lessee has, in compliance with this contract and lease, entered into a sub-lease or sub-contract. 12. That the Lessor, through its concessionaire, reserves the sole right to sell refreshments, including . food, confectionery, drinks, cigars, cigarettes and other such articles, and the right to conduct check stands, , and the Lessee shall not engage in any of the aforesaid business in the building, without the written consent of (the Director of the Auditorium, 0 i 13. That the Lessor reserves the: right to remove from the building all effects of whatsoever nature left i within it,by the Lessee after the expiration of the time covered by this contract and lease; or to charge an } additional rental at the same rate per date provided in this contract if written notice is given to remove such “effects to the Lessee, and they are not immediately removed; and the Lessee agrees to pay to the Lessor an amount to cover the cost of removing such effects or the cost of such additional rental. Hi 14. That in the handling, control, custody, and keeping of receipts and funds and moneys, whether the same are received through the box office or otherwise, the Lessor is acting for the accommodation and benefit of the Lessee, and that as to such receipts and funds the Lessor shall be responsible only for gross neglect or bad faith. The Lessee promises to do no act that will prejudice the insurance of the Lessor concerning the bonding of the employees of the Lessor in the handling of the box office receipts. The Lessee further agrees with the Lessor that the only persons who are to have the right to be in the box office are those employees of the Lessor directly engaged in the box office work, the Director and Auditor of the Municipal Auditorium, and the manager of the Lessee for the purpose of checking the number of sales made, and no others. 15. The Lessee hereby agrees that the Lessor has the unqualified right to cancel this contract and lease without refunding any money paid thereunder, or without any loss or detriment to said Lessor if the Lessee has misrepresented in any manner or in any degree the type or nature of the attraction to be held in said leased premises, if said misrepresentation in any manner influenced said Lessor in entering into this contract and lease, and said Lessee hereby agrees that said Lessor is the sole judge, through its duly appointed agent, the Director of the Auditorium, of whether or not the said misrepresentation did so influence it in entering into said contract and lease; further said Lessee assumes the duty of disclosing to said Lessor whether or not the attraction to be held in said leased premises is in any manner or means of a political nature, and failure to so disclose makes this contract and lease voidable at the election of the Lessor. 16. And the said Lessee further covenants, agrees and understands that if any default is made in the payment of the rent or any part thereof at the time above specified, or if any default is made in the covenants or agreements herein contained, this contract and lease and the relation of landlord and tenant at the option of the Lessor, shall cease and terminate and the relation of the parties shall be the same in all respects as if said term had fully expired, and the said Lessor may re--enter the said premises and hold the same as of its for- mer estate therein, remove all persons therefrom, and resort to any legal proceeding to obtain such possession, and the said Lessee shall notwithstanding said re-entering, pay the full amount of said rental as herein agreed to be paid. The party of the first part and the party of the second part hereby agree, stipulate, and recognize that in the entering of this contract and lease they are not in any way partners, co-partners, or in any way jointly interested in any mutual enterprise but are to each other Lessor and Lessee respectively, and occupy that status only. This agreement shall bind the parties and their respective heirs, executors, administrators and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the city of Kansas City, Missouri, a municipal corporation, represented in this contract by its Auditorium Director, has caused this contract to be signed by its Auditorium Director, for and on behalf of Kansas City, Missouri, and the Lessee has signed the same in duplicate the day and year first above written. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI \ ame 2. By £.-.... LY S Se, Wii a Feenatterin Ki trer h i / QO a LEA Of fp Pe ee “pa Te soN i / . : \ * : + oo \\ po Se sy ph oie : \¢ : W ian a KVMaNe CLA’ WIae SpOas aygteu’ | oe Sug ON pepayE Of Rsveve OIA’ WieeonLr suq (pe Peezes jise 2i8neq spo eve tu qubyics(e ype qad sug Aes. piLet a oe - -gple coup.yct pA tle yrqreonumy piLecrol’ ps2 catesq (ple coufsct (o pe alfueg pA ie YaqisoLImM) PiLectoL’ for a -'JU AILUE@? MHEBEOEL’ We ch Of uuese CUA’ Wieeonty ¢ winnierbs] coLboisgiou’ Lebieeenieq iw oe a [ple s8uccweus epayy pisg ipe beupice vq Epo Leehectiae por.2’ execmrone’ SqUIMIZELScOLe sg seorfas x ; iugeLegtey Iu suA wN¢My] CUfcLbLi2e pry sie fo Sycp olpel Feezol sug Pe2zeG Leebectiacyh’ sug oconbh gust egugne Bone se, euseLIMe oF (ple couciscr sug jes2e ck gis vor Ww sud asd bantuci2’ co-byifwere’ o1 10 suA meh lOMEA eee _ Ee byngA of que pet bsxe sug gue batzA of me eccoug bare perepaA siieo? egibapsre’ suq LecoRuIse (yet 1 i. fo pe baiq | : ee ee a ; TUG {pe esIg Peeece spay] VOLMICpersmqIUE evig Lo-eurseLiue’ byA ips {N]] SMIONUE Of esiq Leuts] g2 Pele s8Lecg ‘* Wick Gegase {SLeIu’ Lewoas sy] beLezoue (peLezLom’ yug LszoLy [0 wud yobs] buocesqw& fo opisiu ecp hoeecezion’ avig {GLI Psq {Af}h oxbi.eq’ vq (pe evig Pezeo. wyA Lo~cUTeL Ie esiq breuiece sug polg tHe 2auKe ge Of 12 foL- Of Me Peseol’ eps] coves Yq feLUIINEIS YUq IIe Leysflou oY me beLtice eps]] pe INc-esWE IN ij] Leebeore v2 1, ol s8LeceNfe Pole coufsiueg’ pie coufLec; suq jexes suq (pe Leystioy oO; [sugjoLg Sug feusUL sf ue Obsrou bsAmeuy Of type Leu oL SuA bai ppeLeoy sy fpe muse YpoAc ebeci{ieg’ OL 1f Sud qezsnyt je mye ID [ye coAcuSUTe fe Wuq qe esig Pegece TALryoL concususe’ gBLece sUq NUqeLefsugqe (Wet 1, SUA qe_snyy 12 wsge Ww tpe qieojoee wisKee (ie CONLLECE HEq [oves AOIGEP[e ¥f (ye cjecHou Of tye pezeoL’ ee ae . FLLICHON £0 pe Peyq Wm a81q jeseeq buemiece i210 SUA WsuUEL OL Uesue Of ¥ bopitics; UNEALE’ gUq [SI[MLe £0 20, ere aviq couse: Wuq Jeuee! [NLEEL es1q Posse Yeenme tps qnrA of qlecjoelue fo e8iq [eezoL M ety PILSClOL Of {fe yaqitoLimim’ oO; Apelpe: OL Vor Ipe esiq WiIeLebLeesurssON giq 20 TyNEHCYS oe jeseo’ sug esig Poses PoLeph sKLece fpet esiq peezor je {ye eojs Imqhe’ (pLonby Ife guy sbboireg s&euy gue : ble. biowiece’ I, esig wieLsbieeeusetion In yuk wsuNEL IuyMeuCced esiq Pee2OL 10 ‘eufeLMm® fo gple courisct suq L pve uyleLebLeeeuleg 17 su) wISUNCL OL w yuA Mo fAbe OL USEALE Of spe SELECHOU fo pe pelg Iu euig [oxesq a migpont Lepsugia&® yuk wowek byiq gictemuqe.’ OL Ayrpony SUA Joz2 OL gerLNent fo esiq yeeezo. i, ge peezes 12° [pe peezes poreph suece pyes ppe pezeon pue (pe nudnsyiqieg LIgpt £0 cyUCET qpie cous. £ sug yeuec ipe wsnefer of (ye Peeece pou qe barboes of cpecKu® ipo unwper of esjo? wage’ Huq Ho OTpeLe tpe poeeo. gitectjA eufsBeq mm (pe pox O{pIce AOLK” {Pe NILectoL sug WiqiroL OF {pe wrouicrbsy] ya sug ‘es | ity {pe Peeeo. tyes que oujA beLzowe Apo gle fo pyae que LIBpE fo nosy : pe LW {He pz : ep oP GLLecre OL spe coer Of em WM OGINICTA LowOASg: su Tr om ys pie cousLyct 1 f1uIe COACLEG PA § WOAG [LOI fpe pny Btroulderq promeee iw 6 SOR OLPER entcp sLgIcTee } epie_cougtsct Gsq jesee’ Suroreg - “LOUEST WW Cee esIg bLowrece epy]] VOL pe 20 Leyey: ers ee ss GLEN couLsIeg pe CouetLMeg 1 SUA ASA [0 BLLect fpe oppEstiou of (pe Pezece fo bsA gue [ny] sons Of esiq vas ee OL srpewrbe to Leyes eye esiq buemiece vo. qoee ¢pe Pozo. yeenwe SNA encp qntA’ DOL epsy] suArpive nS’ pac uogp® pe.ew cougsiveg epsyy pe couer.neg sz iwboeus sud opySstiou ou tye Po220L A OL Me Lewsey pote sELeeq fo pe bsig kemsimiue syte. qeqnerme& tpe ver LOULS] Leenyiue spe Peeece’ suq esiq Poezce coacusule yuq s8Leee PerepA fo byA fo (ye Pee2ol’ ou qeuisugq’ MH sng gpeu fo te byAuseuE Of {yo LeuE qne augeL {ple cousLact sug joges: Te enmibyne’ 1, sud’ tpevero.’ sbbpiu® spe asuie’ per co bsAweut of ency exbeuece ve w¥A pe luciiLeg 1 Le-eureLive wug Lejers- (peLerol’ guq wish sf He om obtiow Leyet tye ex1q bucuniece se que sBeus OF esIq Poeese HUG LeceIAe Ce Leut He Lebicesulsfiace WTA Le-cN(6l [pe ess Cite pA LOLCe OL OfpeLmles AITPONE pem& jispys you suA birozecntiou @ {pst 1y ie esiq biewrese’ o1 sud bere fpercoy’ epyy] pecome agceut qnLIBe esiq feLur (pe Pez2o. OL. imu’ fpeu ge peezes skuece fo obeieye muqe: tpew suq spige pA (pew OL mec’ te of gpe FAbe pst cousee mispiu [peee AUIOU Lajce LecoBuiseg pA (ye MiLScroL oO] pe Wurcibs] yaqiroL- nUIOU Lefnys{ieue sug OU ¥ NUIOU p¥ele’ [pe Pezzee yEtece (pst 1 ple byLgienjs. uucgiow’ expipigiou’ qiebyga’ oe bo.gioue of ipe wravicibyy yoqroLnm suq colts [AUCLIONe Me SLe CELLIeg ON {peLely obese muqel ceLgsiy ; ‘i MAIN ARENA 12,000 seating capacity MUSIC HALL 2,572 seating capacity LITTLE THEATRE 600 seating capacity ADVISORY BOARD FRED G. BUFFE Chairman JOHN C. GROVER Vice-Chairman H. E. BONING, JR. Secretary BARNEY L. ALLIS HARRY M. GAMBREL R. CROSBY KEMPER FRED M. LEE DORMAN H. O'LEARY HARRY H. WELSH, JR. EXHIBITION HALL 120,000 square feet COMMITTEE ROOMS (23) seating capacities 25 to 500 KANSAS CITY, MiSs OUR! EUGENE C. ZACHMAN,, Director March 11, 1942. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas. Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Herewith enclosed are duplicate contracts for the use of the Arena on Tuesday, March 17, 1942. Kindly sign the original contract and return it to the Municipal Auditorium at your earliest convenience. ) May we be of further service to you please let us know as we are only to glad to assist you. Thanking you, I am respectfully, CONRAD H. MANN, CHAIRMAN oF BoARD SAMUEL J. WHITMORE, Executive Vice Pres. BARNEY L. ALLIS, Presioent & GEN't MGR. Lo BALTIMORE AVENUE AND TWEEFTH STREET TRIANON HOTEL CO. Eonsas Cory Me March 14, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of March 13. We will have rooms reserved for the team Monday afternoon, March 16. They will be available for them on their arrival at 2:15P.M. Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you at that time, and with kindest regards, Sincerely, a ada / ee Elmer F. Hiér Assistant Manager EFH:PL Mis Jimmy Nixon, Mamicipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Hoe Dear Jimsy: — I em enclosing copy of a letter I have written to Henry Iba comeerning the backboards ani the balls. I have'also motified Professor Russell Wiley, director of the University of Kansas Band, about the time it takes for you illumination performance. Hoe is plenning his between-half entertainment as follows: (1) Gun epinaing act - by Billy Sears and George Rhodes - ot hee All lights should be on for this. (2) Display of iadeetn lighted batons by the drum major-staff of the Bamd ~ Billy Sears, George Rhodes, Jams Berkson, Dorothy Nicholson, Robert Woolverton, and Rebert Bellamy - time: 6 mimurtes. All ts should be off for this porformance. About @ mimite should elapse from the tim: the boys in the first act leave the floor until the lights go off. (3) Tllumination spectacle - with musical backbround by the band. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. | March 12, 1942. tc sees Sn Oklehom A. & Me a Stillwater, Oilehomi. Dear Henry: isc a ts Maite seis we eh Oe ' gither wooden or glass backboards in the Ihuiioipal Auditorium Tuesday night. I prefer wooden, and I — oe let te fo are getting a Spalding Lastbilt bell and a Spalding DE laceless stitched ball for our games, co ie nave word that C200 end Curtia, the two ee ee ‘Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education end Recreation, POAAT Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ec = Jimy Hixon. March 12, 1942. Professor Russell L. Wiley, director of the Univer- @ity Band, will be very happy to entertain the fans between halves at our gawe on March 17th. ile has a How many minutes does this illumination spectacle ef tis on while the band is play- E : : E Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, FCA:AI Vareity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Mr. Henry Iba, Oklahoma A. & Me College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Pear Henry: -- You doubtless received a wire from Jimmy Wixon » asking for your team roster and uniform numbers. We are sending him the mmbers for both sets of wmiforms, but if you have no objection we will wear the white. If this is not agreeable to you, call me by phone and we will decide on some plane Sincerely yours, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE BIG SIX Hotel Continental Kensas City, Mo. “ss = & December 8, 1940 GENERAL DISCUSSION 1. Present: FF. C. Allen, Kansas; W. He Browne, Nebraska; Bruce Drake, Oklahoma; George Edwards, Missouri; Jack Gardner, Kansas State. 2« In the absence of the regular secretary, Louis Menze of Iowa State, his duties were given temporarily to George Edwards. 3e It was recommended, discussed and agreed upon that future winter meetings should be better coordinated with those of the Directors and Faculty Representatives so that any suggestions from the coaches which require actions by those bodies may be submitted immediately. Therefore, the basketball coaches are urged to plan early season practices and games so as to avoid conflict with the regular meeting of these bodies scheduled for the first Saturday in December. 4. The temporary secretary was instructed to obtain the Big Six regulations regarding squad limitations for games, and to include these in his report. -~~--taken from the minutes of the Directors’ meeting in Ames, May 18-19, 1939. "The following trip limits of varsity players in Conference competition for conference games was set as a limit: Basketball - 10 men" Comment: According to this regulation the visiting team is limited to 10 players; the home team is not restricted. From opinions expressed at the meeting the coaches do not favor this rule, If so, they should draft a substitute and present it at the annual meeting next springe : 5+ It was agreed to add a "checker" to the officials at the scoring bench whose duties are outlined on page 14 of the 1940-41 Guide in an article on "Game Administration" by Summer A. Dole. 6. The home team shall wear uniforms which are all white except the trim; the visitors are to dress in their school colors so that in both pants and shirts solid colors will predominate, ada 7. The starting time of games will be as follows: Iowa State - - 7:15 p.m. during the week: 7:30 pem. on Friday and Saturday Kansas - - - - 7:30 pem. Kansas State ~ 7:30 p.m. Oklahoma - - ~ 7:45 Pelle Nebraska - - ~- 8:00 p.m. Missouri - - ~ 8:00 p.m. 8. A copy of the official box score of each game shall be mailed by the home team to the Secretary of the Conference, 9. The visiting team is to send to the home team, at least eight days in advance of the game, the name and number of each player who will make the tripe 10. Each school is to exchange with all others squad information primarily for pre-game publicity purposes. This information should include number, name, position, height, weight, home town, year on varsity, men lost . by graduation, veteran letter-men returning, and all team records which may add to newspaper interest. li. Each gaine: isito be played with a molded ball of the Riddell or Rawlings type. The game ball is to be inflated to a pressure which will result in a legal bounce when tested on the game playing floor. Comment: There was some discussion as to the possibilities of agreement by two schools to use other types of ball. No vote was taken. By common consent it was agreed that a shift in the ball could be made by mutual agreement of those concerned without consent of other schools. All situations are to be ruled according to the book. The items Liatee Meee Gee Sihy indeatek So saptnataee euesein yoists ew te euplity ox Clarify the rules and their administration. : 1, Refer to Rule 5, Sec. 3, line 6, wakes srendian = “except that a substitution may not be made in the interval following a field goal and putting the ball in play from out of bounds unless a charged time out has been declared," = Team A substitutes following a field goal and is charged wi’ : tthe During thks time out Team B also substitutes, Is oan B to be charged with a tine out? | =~ Peuiting 0 decision ty the Bitter it was agrect that Seen 3 ml S wats & stbetivution without being charged a tine out. « Following a field goal a Team A player is injured or ddoquatation Calls time out which is not charged if the player involved is Senavek teen the pane. (See Rule 11, Sec. 2) While the player is being — Is Team B to be charged with a time out Answer = Pending an official decision Team B will be permitted to eubutivute unter these conditions without a charged time out providing it is aie te tha idee the thee Leaviiy aihateed to font A for tes SO the injured or disqualified player. fe Refer te Rule 10, seo. 1. Om balls which go out of bounds behing the basket a twelve foot lané shall be permitted inwhich to pass into eA pn This, of course, does not apply to out of bounds plays follaring a 3e Refer to Rule 10, Sec. 1, Note to Officials. In order to stendardize administration the following mechanics will prevail when a team is awarded the bali out of bounds in its front court. The official shall (a) gain full possession of the ball; (b) turn ny feet De et heeds yoaeers (c} tur back to the passer and hend him the ball; (4) start an AUDISIZ COUNT as the passer gains ball possession. - fe In all counting situations officials are eueuvel to continue use of the artillery men's method of counting, and are urged to practice the counts with a watehe 5. The official score book for the game is to be left at the scoring table during the half time intermission. 6. It is urged that the rules pertaining to scoring, timing, and checking be pasted in the score book, 7. Coaches approve again the suggestion made last year that officials permit the legal “one tug" before calling a held ball. 8. Attention of coaches and players is called to Rule 5, See. $, which states that an incoming substitute, after reporting to the scorer, must not go on the floor until signalled by an official, 9. The scorers again are requested not to recognize a substiture until he has removed his sweat suit and is ready for play. 10. Rule 15, Sec. 12, Penalty b. Coaches desire to emphasize the importance of strict enforcement of this regulation which provides, among other things, that an offensive player who has gained a favorable position and is then fouled from the rear is entitled to two free ees even though he may not have been in the act of shooting. li. Aman in the act of tipping a loose ball into the basket is not degmed to be "in the act of shooting" and is to be awarded only one free throw when fouled. 12. It was agreed that a fumble at the close of the dribble does not constitute a violation. The dribbler may recover the ball but must pass or shoots 13e The coaches beliere that a personal foul should be called on a player who, while standing still, throws or _— any part of his body into an opponent. ie ee ee ee a ee ee ee +=Realiging the inequalities of rules of the DigeSix that exist between various sports, I desired to distinguish the difference in the rules ooneerni ng wll as legislated iy the faculty representatives and directora and the other major sports. Ho where in other sporte do they discriminate against a particular sport and otate timt only @ certain oumber of players mny be dressed for home ae | Re@liging the right of free speech, I dictated a statement to ire Horace SAGan, our Sports Publicity lireetor, se that he might give it to the presse i dic mot blase away or fire back at anyones Neither have I changed my idea one iota in regard to the rules disouseede if the directors of the SigeCliz worked out a plan and submitted it to the faculty representatives the tagketball eomehes of the SigeSix did not hear of ite In all previous SO eee te ee ae ee nt Let cmmmalts the exnney ent et their opinion and if the coaches desire sancthing they appeal to the directors, and then the matter is passed from the direetera to the faculty representatives for legislations We recognize inherent power of the directors and the faeulty representatives te make rules, but the mere Magewaving and lipeserviee given to Presidest Roosevelt's ational f‘efense frogrea by college adninistrators does not strike a wory reeponmive ehord, when euch legisiation ae we have mentioned is considered, one : In many institutions ne money is fortheeming froa the athletic departaent for intramural athieties.s Ae a general practice, many schools speak about the earnings fren the ath tie department going to intranurals but generally the ameunt contributed is very emll, At our institution not one penuy ie given by the athletic department toward intramumle because they have their own fimmneial problems uy intent wae constructive oritician and not to stir up malices We certainly would have no desire to enter into any personal controversy with our two good friends, Ore Nelle King and Direotor ieF, Ahem of \aneag states aguever, neither one of them did answer this very pertinent poimt; Why is it that there ie 4 gurtaikient on mmbers in basketball for home ames when no other sport is legislated against wy this rule? Guly ten men can be droseed for hove basketball games which certainly is @ ourtailment of munbers in sportee : After thie rule with limitations wis reenphasized wy the direetors and Snoulty representatives, Kansas State was the Nrst to violete the ten--an rule Ww carrying 15 men to Lawrence, ce oe ee ee munber to lanhatten, and later in the season the University of “issouth sent 22 men to lewvences However, the Missouri people dreesed but ten, two of the mon being sent ag & rewrd for their service during the seagon, while the tw other institutions dreased 15, last night Coagh [rake dressed 15 men at gry pede omen Bs only 10, ea far ac I wee concerned, he could have played ell ‘and I would Inve offered no objection Locauee certainly this rule is discriminatory These are merely statements of factes Realiging the inequalities of rules of the BigeSix that exist between various » I desired to distinguish the difference in the rules ccoursing asintall fe Leisiated ty the fuoulty representative On directors Tah ) No where in other sports do they discriminate against a particular Sport and state that only a certain mmber of players my be dressed for home CANCE» Realizing the right of free speech, I dictated a statement to Mre Horace Magon, our Sports Publicity Mrector, so that he might give it to the presse I did not blaze away or fire back at anyones Neither have I my idea one iota in regard to the rules diseussede If the directors of the and submitted it to the faculty representatives the basketball coaches of the BigeSix did not hear of ite In all previous SORES Get Or La tee tart nt, St Senet conmaht the centans ent representatives for legi One ve power of the directors and the faculty representatives to make rules, but the mere flagewaving and lipeservice given te President Roosevelt's National fefense Progrem by college administrators does not strike a very responsive chord, when such legislation as we have In many institutions no money is forthcaning fron the athletic department for intramural athletics. As a general practice, many schools speak about the earnings from the athletic department going to intranurals but generaljy the amount contributed is very small. At our institution not one penny is given by the athletic department toward intramurals because they have their own financial problem, My intent was constructive criticism and not to stir up milices We certainly would have no desire to enter into any personal controversy with our two good friends, Dre Helle King and Director Mel. Ahern of Yansas States however, neither one of them did answer this very pertinent points; Why is it that there is a curtailment on numbers in basketball for home