le The family that plays together stays together, oleims Mra. Ame Livingston, of the National Recreation Association, Games and More games for children + for teen agers ~ for adults - are featured in fun elasses at the Wartime Recreation Training Institute in Robinson Gymmasium every evening this week. Are you having e party soon, a dence at your club, need new ideas? Come this evening at 7 o'clock to Rebinson Gymnasium. 26 What are you going to do with your children this summer? Or that gang that hangs out in the backyard with your son or deughter? Sure, you'd like to help them. Ideas, and more ideas, are yours for the asking at the daily recreation classes this week at the University of Kansas. You are invited. Mrs, Anne Livingsten, of the National Recreation Association of New York City, is here to lead the classes. What about your next party? Got any ideas? At the Recreation Training Institute you will find plenty of new, stimulating games, misical mixers, brain teasers end quizzes. 3. - Housewives, will you help <= the Y.iW., 4H Clubs, Girl Scouts, Campfire Girls and summer recreation program need you. Youth is our most priceless asset. One how a day frem you is cheap insurance for Lawrencw's welfare. Mrs. Anne Livingsten, ef the ~ ee National Recreation Association of New York City, is leading fm classes at the Univer- _ sity of Kansas every evening this week from 7 to 10 pems in Robinson Gymasi.um,. Come - have fim ~ learn new games « new party ideas, square dances, puzzles, playground activities, and help Lawrence build strong bedies and mids for future,