. KPXU BROADCAST © May 18, 1944 : Mre, Anne Livingston Announcers As a public service feature of KFKU, we are most happy to have with us in the studio this evening, lirs. Anne Livingston, National Recreation Association, of New York City, who is conducting recreation leadership training classes each evening this week in Robinson Gymasium at the University of Kansas, for all the people of Lawrence and nearby tows who are interested in recreation for youth recreation for adults. : lirs. Livingston, tell us, © just what 4e the National Recreation Asscoiation? Mrs. Livingston: well, igry » the National Recreation Association is a private agency supported solely by private contributions raised by volunteer sponsors whose only goal « and this is true since 1906 = has been working with the 8,000 commmities of these United States to help them, to quote our charter, "find the most satisfying we of leisure tine; that every child in dnerica shall | have a chance to play." Announcer: That is a most noble goal, and one that we can see the value of in these trying days of broken families, men and women in war service, and industrial concentration in our cities. But how does the Asscoiation do this? Mrs. Livingston: We do this by working with the local forces, We believe that every orgenization has much to contri bute to this. The wines of the Y.W.C.Ac, the YeMeCohe, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the 4 1 Clubs, the schools, the churches, the city recreation couneils, the youth committees of civic clubs, the ParenteTeachers Association e- are all worthy of all the aid that we can give them through our field service. We believe that recreation, as religion, Mrs _» is the responsibility of the local commmity. They must decide