~5e jnnoumeer;: . How about when we're all tired from dancing, - and these mixers, What do we do then? Mrrse Livingston: A quiet game, a brain teaser. For example: Humber of relatives Humen checkers « Cook*s questionaire Amnouncert Gee, I’ve had a good time. If timt's a sample of recreation, let's have more in Lamrenee, Thank you, Mrse Livingston, You have been listening +0 Mrs, Anne Livingston of the National Recreation Assooiation of New York Gity, who is here in Lawrence this week conducting training sessions in reereaticnel leadership for all these who are interested. The classes are in Robinson Gymasium at the University of Keflses, meeting each evening from 7 until 10 pete, end on Saturday from 10 seme: to 12 noon, and from 2 to 4 pete