and on Thursday nights there is entertainment for young working girls. : A youth club, sponsored by a woman’s club in Lowville, New York, meets 5 days a week in a servicemen’s center. Three committees composed of town leaders, parents, and teen-agers joined in running the club. Activities include party nights, scavenger hunts, roller skating, and occasional formal dances. The Y’s sponsor many youth centers. Seattle, Washing- ton’s Flamingo Club in the YWCA is run by high school students. Every Friday night, up to 500 boys and girls gather to dance and drink cokes and have fun. Other YWCA projects include the Newcomers’ Club in Washington, D. C., the Bar None Corral in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, the Bombardier in Des Moines, Iowa, and Tumble Inn of German- town, Pennsylvania. Teen-age parties are held every Friday night at the North- side YMCA in St. Louis, Missouri, with an average attend- ance of 175. Teen-age sponsors from schools and factories plan the programs, which include dancing, swimming, games, and contests. In Lake Charles, Louisiana, a town busy with war indus- tries and army camps, the Kow Kat Club on a beach pavil- ion is open 2 nights a week for more than 200 members. as X