March 15, 1942. Lt. Commander J. Russell Cook, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. Dear Rusa: When your wire came I was deluced with a thousand other details here at my administrative desk. I dictated a wire to you, but did not send it. It simply cot covered up in the mass of detail on my desk. I am enclosing a copy of it herewith. Doubtless you read in the paper of my desire to play you because I gave it to the press thinking that I would send the wire at once. I am honest when I say I do not think we have the team to go through this N.C.A.A. tournament. We may get knooked off Tuesday night in the play-off with the Oklahoma Agcies. However, I do want you te know that we would be de- lighted to meet your boys again, and I hope that we may have the opportunity. You have a fine group of sportsmen and it was a pleasure for our boys to meet your fine team. With all cood wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH ; Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.