Deoanber 7, 1942. aw Veshineten, De Ces , My deur Dirs if bn Coaches PCALAN December 1, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to commend Michael Peter O*Dennell, of the University of Kansas, who desires admission to V-7. I have kmown Michael O'Donnell for two years and have had him in my class. I find him to be an enterprising, energetic, cooperative, intelligent young man. He has a splendid personality and en aggressive attitude toward tho pursuit of his studies. I am glad to recommend him without reservation. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. i, 1942. a" 1132 2 i iF a i | | i : a gee at | Hy fall i PRE i i it tie a | Hee ti 438 lis GH i uk ie Hila i ER a, ey tH Hit au ‘i! : uh al youd e gf 3 ii; ail f i ao ; Reginald Strait Born 1904 (38) attended Ottawa University 1925-27 B.Se Participated in major sports of that school Coached all sports Belle Plaine High Sehool Delile Plaine,Kans Let -351 Coach and instructor of Physical Bducation Kinsley City Schools Kinsley,Sansas 1931-37 Director of Physical Education Chanute City Senools Chanute, Kansas 1937-42 University of 4ansas October 1942 Graduate Study University of Iova Caner seissions) M.A 1936. in Physical Education: Work towards PhD in Physical Edueation December 3, 1942. fo Whom It May Concern: I em very happy to recommend Paul Carpenter, a student at the University of Kansas. He is a member of my varsity basketball team, and last year was on the freshman basket- ball squad. 7 Carpenter is a fine, clean, personable young man. He is intelligent and energetic. He is in his sophomore year, and maintains about a B average in his studies. I am very glad to recommend him without reservation. Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. December 4, 1942. fo Whom It May Concern: I em very happy to write in behalf of John Franklin Short, a sophomore at the University of Kansas. Sohn Short is an outstanding student and athlete. He maintains a B average in his studies, and at the same time takes an active part in athletics. He was a stellar member of my freshman basketball tean last year, and is on the varsity team this year. He is fine, clean, person- able, aggressive and intelligent. I am very glad to recommend him without reservation. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 10, 1942. Mr. Wn. Ro Bssick,. Lib Memorial High School, Lawrence, Kansas. : Dear Bill: Iam enclosing a copy of the letter I have written and sent to the Kansas City office this morning. I assure you I am very happy to do this small thing for you, and wish you lots of good luck. Cordislly yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 10, 1942. In the high school he is regarded by his boys as their best friend. He is a man's man. Ne is virile, aggressive, de- pendeble, and knows the meaning of the word loyalty to the nth degree. His character is of the highest and his standing in commmity is of the best. I em very happy to commend him to you without reservation or evasion. — 7 Director of Physical Education, FCA:sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. December 11, 1942. To “hom It May Concern: I am very happy to recommend Bill Passmore, a student at the University of Kensas. Passmore is a sophomore in the School of Engineering, and has maintained a B average in his studies. Passmore is a fine, clean, aggressive young man. He is a hard worker, entirely dependable and reliable, and is loyal to the nth degree. I am glad to recommend him to you without reservation. Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Bducation, Yersity Basketball Coach. Hovember 24, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy te recommend to you Howard Brown, a junior in the School of Education with a major in Physical Bducation. I heve had Brown in my classes in First Aid and in Basketball. I have found him to be a very attentive, intelligent and cooperative student. He is clean, person- able and energetic. He has a fine sense of responsibility. His home is in Kensas City, Kansas. In my opinion he is a fine candidate for officer training in Aruy aviation. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 25, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I have known Jack Connor since his senior year in high school. He played on my freshman basket- team one year at the University. % _ deck Connor is a fine, clean, personable man of high character. He is energetic, reliable, loyal to the nth degree. I am very happy to recommend him most highly. yf Sincerely yours, Director of Fhysfcal Education, PCA:All Varsity Basketball Coach. November 3, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to recommend Stephen Curtis Hinshaw, a student at the University of Kansase Hinshaw is very dependable, personable, loyal and energetic. He is a young man of excellent character, end has a fine spirit of cooperation. I am happy indeed to recommend him without reservation or evasion. Very sinoerely yours, Director of Physical Miucation, “ POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. October 27, 1942 fo Whom It May Concern: i: I om very happy to testify aa to the character and | stending and fitness of Narold “Sparky” MeSpadden, @ sophomore in Chemical Engineering in the Sehool of A —— at the University of Kansage . . 7} ts an outetending stadent, having 17 hows / . 7 hours of B, 4 hours of C, and 3 hours of De His/ yearly average is 2.5. : aoe ~ ‘MeSpadden is a fine athlete with a splendid person~ ality. He was born July 21, 1925 at Sedan, renee graduated with high honors at BlDorado High School, Re ee oe tally of our leaders on a” le. I am Naval ig : gEERE ie i | : cE i Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Piysieal Pau Pduoation, PCA sAl Varsity Basketball Coach. November 10, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to reccmmend Willian Atwell, a student in the University ef Kansas, who Se desirous of changing from V=-7 to V-5. I have had Bill Atwell in varsity baseball and have had him in classes, where he is now majoring in physicai education. He is personable, clean, efficient and leyal. He has the ability to get along with his fel lows, and in vy opinion will make a fine officer. He does not dissipate and hes a high regard for his bedy. I am glad te recommend him. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH ~ Varsity Basketball Coach. November 10, 1942. Mr. Curtis Jenkins, 731 Sp. Main St., St. Louis,. Moe Dear Curtis: I am enclesing the letter yo requested, and am very happy to do this small favor for you. Here's wishing you lets of luck now and hereafter. | Success to you, old fellow. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 10, 1942. fo Whom It May Concern: Tt am very happy to recommend Curtis Jenkins, who is a graduate of the University of Kansas in 1939. Jenkins majored in Physical Edusation, in the School of Education. He is a fine athlete, as is attested by his record in football. He played under our present coach end athletic director, Gwinn Nemry, when Henry was coach end athletic direster at the Univ- ersity of New Mexico. tis yeers in footbell at Albuquerque wore in 1954, '35, 'S6. Jenkins transferred to the University of Kensas in 1937 ena played on the varsity football team here in 1938. lic was — under Lt. Sol. Adrim Lindsey, who is now in the armed forces. I have mown Curtis Jenkins for several years, even prior to his enrolling at New Mexico. I was well acquainted with him when he was in high school at Nigginsville, Mo. Jenkins is a thoroughly dependable and intelligent young mane His loyalty is unquestioned and he has the ability to follow commands to the nth degree. ile is clean, personable and efficient. I am very happy to recommend him. Yery cordially yours, . Director of Physical Bdueation, PCA:AT Varsity Basketball Coach. November 6, 1942. fo Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to write in behalf of Mr. Kenneth Glever, @ sephomere at the University of Kansas. Glever is a sophomore in Architectural Engineer- dng, where he is doing excellent work. He is intelligant, personable, cooperative and leyal. He was an outstanding athlete in high achool, end at the University he is ene of the leaders on the campus. I em very glad te recommend him without reservation or evasion. . | Very sincerely yours, Direoter ef Physical Biucation, FPCAdH - Yarsity Basketball Coach. November 5, 1942. Te Whem It May Ceneern: I am very happy to write in behalf ef John Warren Jacks, a sophomore and pre-medic at the Univer- sity of Kansas. Jacks is an excellent student, a fine athlete and a very dependable worker. He is leyal, cooperative and intelligent. ee team lest year, and is on my varsity team this year, se T have had many contacts with him. Iam very glad te recommend hin wo tics ve servation or evasion. Sincerely yours, , Director ef Physical Bdueation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 12, 1942. — To Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to testify as to the character, intelligence, loyalty and personality of Lioyd Pureell, Jre Lloyd Purcell, Jr., is a graduate of the University Kansas in the Sehool of Business Administration. I am happy to recomsend him to you without reservation. Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education, FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. fo Whom It May Concern: I am’ very happy to recosmend Sanborn Cook, a student at the University of Kansas. Sanborn Cook is a young man of excellent quatiGhes of leadership, high cHaracter, and intelligence. He is interested in sports, and at the same tims maintains a high stendard of scholarship. He is — personable and loyal. T am glad to recommend hin without reservation or evasion. Sincerely yours, Director of Physisal Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Septenber 14, 1942. To Whom It May Concerns I am very happy to write in behalf of Max Kissell, @ student at the University of Kansas, who desires to enlist in the Army Air Corps Reserve. Kissell was.a member of my varsity basketball team this past season, and the year before was an outstanding meniber of the freshman basketball squad. He is a brilliant player and is well-liked by the members of the team. He has fine qualities of leadership, is cooperative ani cap- able. He is highly intelligent, and is a young man of ex- eelient sharacter. While Kissell has found it necessary to work to earn a pert of his school expenses, at the same time he has maintained a high standard of scholarship,. I em very gled to recommend him without -reservation. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. May 26, 1942. ee I am very happy to write in behalf of Max Kissell, a student at the University of Kansas, who 1s making application for admission to Officers’ — in the United States Marine Corps. Kissell was a member of my varsity basketbell team this past season, and the year before wes an outstanding member of the freshman basketball squad. He is a brilliant player and is well-liked by the members of the team. He has fine qualities of leadership, his character is good, he is a nian cooperative and capable. Kissell has found it necessary to work to earn part of his expenses while in school, and at the same time has maintained a high standard of scholar- ship. I am very glad to recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. September 28, 1942. Mra Le Le Camien, 712 Ohio Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Camien: I am sending you a carbon copy of the letter I have just miled, and I sincerely trust that we have been of some service to you in helping you preeure the commission _ fer which yoy are applying. With all geed wishes, I em Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Bducetion, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Ence September 28, 1942. Kansas City Offiver Procurerent District, 223 Porter Building, 405 Weat 34th Street, Kansas City, Mo. To Whem It May Concerns E eam very happy to commend to you Mr. Laiten L. Camien, a graduate student of our University whe expects te receive his Ph.D. éGegree this sumer. a en oO administration, end his minor is socielegy. ‘Mire Camien has been « teacher for fourteen years and is married. fis first teaching uals ses oh Walle Patae, fabian sieh Me tensa us 6 Sean ler, Gemeii, share bn wen petenipel end 3 hed an enrolinent of forty~five students. Sefere coming te the University for his advanced work he was Superintexient et D411, Oklahoma, and his school had an eureliment of five humdred. This shows & progressive advance in his professions I understand that he is applying fer a commission in your arm of the service. I have now Mr. Canten and feel that he is especially well qualified in his Melds of endeavor. We has a keen insight end an analytical mind. iis years ef experience es a teacher have fitted him in an unusual degree. , sis: Xa Sesh: Sn pata, il ieetitie tu be otter. ‘Tam glad to recommend him to you without reservation. Very sincerely yours, : Direoter ef Physical Education, FCA:AE Varsity Basketball Coach. Octeber 20, 1942. Captain I. W. Cahoon, $10 Porter Kansas City, issourle Dear Captain Cahoon: I am very happy to recommend to you Frank W. Mandeville of Lowe & Campbell, of Kansas City, : I have known Mr. Mandeville for over eighteen years and have found him to be a most dependable, loyal and efficient young man. I knew him when he was a football, basketball and track star at the University of Kansas in 1917. I came to the University as Direotor of Athletics in 1919. It was my pleasure to coach him on the var« sity football team as well as the varsity basketball team. He was @ great athlete, responsive and versatile. Since his graduation I have followed him as coach at Hays Teachers College and during his long temute wi in Kensas City. He is a man of fine : ability are unquestioned. . ‘man of no bad habits, and he has the ability to make hos friends in all walks of life. | I em glad to recommend him to you without reservation : a age 8 evasion. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.