March 15, 1943. ir. Thomas 3. McFarland, Mtn. States Tel. & Tel. Co., Missoula, Montana. My dear Mac: | It is a pleasure to request, as of March 8 1945. I am happy to know that you are doing a good job in aotivities. I trust that vou are successful in obtaining your objective. My kindest regards to your good family and yourself. Sincerely yours, | Director of Fhysical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. : Missoula, Montana - Mareh 8, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Bear Dr. Alien: I am writing you to ask if you would favor me with a letter of recommendation for a Gommission in the Naval Reserve. i realize you must be swemped with similar requests from your many proteges of years past and preseit. But, I also realize the prestige a letter from such a national figure as you are, gives to-one. I'il give you a little of my background, so that you will remember who I am. The last time I saw you was in April, 1939-- when my wife and I stopped in your office, and you gave us tickets to the Kansas Relays that week-end. I was picked by you in 1928, as Senior Manager of the Kansas Relays Comittee, after serving on it in 1925,-26 and 27. The watch which was given me that year is still my most prized possession. I was a member of the Athletic Boerd in 1927 and can weli remember one meeting at which we offered Ad Lindsey--then going to Oklahoma as head football coach--an assistant coach job, in a noble effort to try and save him for K.U. A few years later you were able to get him to return as head coach. I was also a member of Sachem, advert- ising manager of the Daily Kansan, Member of the Men's Student Council and Varsity Dance Manager in 1928. Also, I might mention I was born and raised on a farn, five miles east of Lawrence, living there until I started to high school. We then moved to 700 Mississippi St., in Lawrence, where my mother still lives. I can well remember a few times when your oldest son, who later died, rode out on his bicycle--with another boy, to our farm. You would drive out and bring them back to town in the car. Am enclosing a self Addressed envelope, since the % copies of the letter --each on ietterhead and each signed--should be returned to me for enclosure with my final application. Thev should be addressed to DIRECTOR OF NAVAL OFFICER PROCUREMENT 117 Marion St. Seattie, Washington. I am not making application for ae commission in a last minute attempt to beat the draft, as I am in 3-A. I have worked for the Telephone Company ever since my graduation in 1928. My wife and three year old son are in full eccord with my wish to help the war effort in any way the Navy might be able to use me. -- Page 2-- Congratulations on another Big Six basketbail championship. Even out here in the wilds of Montana, the name Kansas is synonymous with basketball champions. Thanks in advance for your time and effort. I hope that you can feel free to give me the letter. Very truly yours, Monn Welk? Thomas Nelson McFarland teroh 13, 1945. naterial have wae very , doing en out- he ) achool rales sceuoadhe toes tet a of bin in te fine Anerioan Very sincerely yours, 4 : 2 i i ie " Merch 9, 1943 fo Whom It May Concerns During the past two years Otto Schnellbacher has been a student at the University of Kansas and during this time, he has been in several of my classes. He has also been one of our student instructors in Physical Education. I am happy to recormend him as a young man who not only is a great athlete, but is also intelligent, a good student, consciencious, and has a fine person- ality. le is dependable in every sense of the word and & real leader. I recommend him unreservedly. Very sincerely, — Henry Shenk Asst. Professor, Physical Edauation Director, Men's Intramurals, University - of Kansas Merch &, 1068 He a | in i i mie) pape a he tH i al 4 a ial i i Wt i | ! fae Ag i Ah if i anil ‘t easton sca thewh @, 196%, f ai ina i ij i a iz i Hh Hr ij o if Bie P Vi iW i i i Varelty 2 Coach. Te Ch Th May Commerne February 27, 1945. lr. Eynie Yanek, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Ernie: 1 an very happy to write a letter in your behalf, and trust that it gets the job done for yous Lots of good luck t you, Emnie. Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach» En@e February 27, i943. nay vetty me coe i i ie a me me foulas ni | a weltle waite Me wns rth ag 2 x Chih, orpuilsntan aa oan uence wf oles ¢ peti Crate i mi, sorting ex their view presidente tn 1536. ae Yar So past tao yours Richandem Ie hoon tendhing Pim Fieri Lar tus Taye 2 aise mane = ot te Cabwenity 1 cm to knew Rishurt son & actu, cad hie loyalty is unqueeticnd. Bay myosndine at sad Knows the siguifieest talue of teamork aud cooperation. [Sete Sees ee , aan Doe offSeer tralulng. Mvestor af Physical iiueation, POALAN Varsity Basketball Conche UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF oo yd We lacie - Wer iia lier R tte yor ike yor 1989 Qn SelreoR February 20, 1943. Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Crosby: I am very happy to reply to your letter of the instant concerning Miller A. Cameron. I have known Miller Cameron for five or six years and have always found be a young man of high character. . He entered the University of Kansas in the fall of 1958, and while here played on the freshman football, basket- ball and baseball teams. The following year he was a menber of thy varsity Baotball squad. He was a fine athlete, — training rules in an excellent fashipne Cameron is clean, capable and personable. He has high qualitiasof leadership and initiative, and knows the meaning of the word loyalty to the nth degree. I am very glad to commend him to your consideration. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:Al Varsity Basketball Coach. NOPKC-2-¢g8s BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL (2395-43) NAVY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF NAVAL OFFICER PROCUREMENT February 13, 1943 Dear Dr. Allen: References: Miller A. CAMERON In placing this important matter before you, it is sincerely regretted that a personal letter can not be sent, but to do so would make it necessary to divert energy now focused on other wartime duties. The conscientious thought given your reply to this request may affect the welfare and safety of many men, as the man about whom we are writing may eventuelly be in a position of command. Therefore, the requested information is of more than usual significance. Please tell us in detail what you can about this applicant, touching particularly on leadership, character, initiative, judgment, personality, standing in his come mmity, and nature of his work. If significant, dis- tinguish between facts and opinions from your own know- ledge and those based on extraneous information. A return envelope is enclosed. Your reply will be kept in strictest confidence and will have an impor- _ tant bearing on the final decision. Please accept our thanks for your assistance. Very truly yours, LIEUT,. USNR. Dr. Forrest Allen, c/o Kansas University, Lawrence, Kans. fo Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to state that I have known Miller Allen Gemeron, a forner student at the University of Kansas, ror five or six years. Cameron graduated from Wichita Bast High School in 1958 end entered the University of Kanses that fall. He played on the freshman football, basketball and baseball en me ee ee ae ee et ee Se ee He entered the University of Oklahoma in September, 1940, and withdrew from the University of Oklahoma in 1941 to enter war work. He is a fine athlete, observing his training rules in excellent fashipn. He is clean, capable and personable. He knows the meaning of the word loyalty and has the ability to make friends. I feel justified in recormending Mr. Cameron for the A.V.S. Engineering in the U.8.N.R. I would recommend him without reservation or evasion. Sincerely your's, Director of Physical ne PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. : - ibe. dys wall as beni al Ha il aa iH i, 3 i iy die batt . rae UWE im ff dl ai an Be ae Heal ai i Hil it ; i Ht 4 pi: i sy ¢ d i i ua 231 ie felt | ABe i anae nH Pian iH al Wa eh hel BG January 27, 1943. Lieut. . H. Crosby, USER | Office of Naval Officer Procurement, 2nd Ploor Pinance Bldg., ‘Dear Lieutenant Crosby: Your inquiry of the 25th instant in reference to Robert Sansom Charlton has been received. I have mown young Charlton from childhood and during the time he was in Lewrence Memorial High School. He was also in my classes here at the University of Kansas. Charlton is a fine, clean, young man. He has a pleasing personality, although at times he is uconvincing. He is loyal, cooperative, and his reactions are always on the right side. He does not have a dominant personality, al- though he does have a pleasing one. His character is abovo reproach, but he does not possess that rugged, fl int~like type of personality that we look for in dominant leaders. Doubtless he has grown much during his time in the service. Very sincerely yours, Direoter of Physical Education, PCA H : Varsity Basketball Coach. NOPKC-2-g8S BUREAU OF NAVAL PERSONNEL (1273-43) NAVY DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF NAVAL OFFICER PROCUREMENT January 25, 1943 Dear Br. Allen: Reference: Robert Sansom CHARLTON In placing this important matter before you, it is sincerely regretted that a personal letter can not be sent, but to do so would make it necessary to divert energy now focused on other wartime duties. The conscientious thought given your reply to this request may affect the welfare and safety of many men, as the man about whom we are writing may eventuelly be in a position of command. Therefore, the requested information is of more than usual significance. Please tell us in detail what you can about this applicant, touching particularly on leadership, character, initiative, judgment, personality, standing in his com- munity, end nature of his work. If significant, dis- tinguish between facts and opinions from your own know- ledge and those based on extraneous information. A return envelope is enclosed. Your reply will be kept in strictest confidence and will have an impor- tant bearing on the final decision. Please accept our thanks for your assistance. Very truly yours, Dr. Forrest Allen, Athletic Director, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kans. January 28, 1943. To Whom It May Concern: I desire to commend for your consideration for en- — listment in ¥Y-1, Robert Edwin Elbel. I have known Robert Elbel for more than fifteen years and have always know hin as a dependable, loyal and energetic young man. I have followed him in his high school work at Liberty Memorial High School with great interest. He was an Eagle Scout and senior patrol councilman. Last year in Boys State at Wichita, Kensas, he was county campaign manager and city engineer in this fine American Legion inception intended to develop sivic state and national pride in youth. : Last spring in the local Boys and Girls City Day Robert was councillor and chairman of the law and ordinance committes. — Robert Elbel is now a first semester freshman in the University of Kansas, having enrolled in the School of Engineer- ing I am very happy to recommend him to you as a fine, clean, personable young man who knows the full meaning of the word loyalty. . Very cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Deecenber 23, 1942. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ‘December 23, 1942. Ur. Floyd Hanson, 504 E. Ninth St., ‘Kinsley, Kansas. Dear Floyd: ‘Zam glad indeed to do anything I can for you, and assure you it was & pleasure to write the en- closed letter. Hope it helps to get the job done. Lots of good luck to you, Floyd. Very cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FPCA:AH VYarsity Basketball Coach. 504 E. Ninth Kinsley, Kansas Dec. 21, 1942 Dr, F. CG. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Some time ago I was in Kansas City for an interview in regard to a commission in the Navy Physical Fitness Program. To-day I received a notice to make a formal application. Along with this I am to secure three or more letters of recommendation and send in with my application. Would you write a letter of recommendation to "Director of Naval Officer Procurement" and send it to me in the enclosed envelope? They advise the letter should indicate character, personality, standing in com- munity, outside interests including sports, and describe attainment in business or professional life. We are planning on being at my folks from Dec. 24 - Jan. 2. If I get all the necessary things to- gether I am planning on going to Kansas City some time during this period to take my physical examination. I will appreciate anything you might be able Sincerely, Plegd arab Decenber 22, 1942. fo Whom It May Coneern: I am very happy to write in behalf of Allen Nipper, a former student at the University of Kansas. I have known Nipper for about five years, and while here at the University of Kansas he was a member of ny fresh- man basketball team end later on the varsity squad. Nipper is a fine, clean, intelligent and capeble young mane He maintained a high scholastic standing at the University, and at the same time parti- cipated in extracurriculer activities. Nipper is very dependable, his character is of the highest, and he knows the meaning of the word loyalty. ; I am glad to recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varaity Basketball Coach. December 22, 1942. Mr. Allen Nipper, 2451 Cedar Avenue, Dear Allen: I em sorry for the delay in getting this letter written for you, but I assure you it is e pleasure to do any- thing I cane I hope it gets the job done. Lots of good luck to you, boy. We are leaving at one o*clock today for our BRastern trip. We pley in Buffalo, New York, Philadelphia ani St. Louis. Very sincerely yours, prem of Physical Edueation, arsity Basketball Coach. PCA :AH Ence fee he. for fromalng ey Aile HG (Fad QL), [lane & fame pu? ee ee ol Aemey Ce Pacer rang me MS lng Zhe Lette altel Pais: aie cuapoenllf’ Mec, wuld gow auto a ee ee log SS