fo Whom It May Concern: I am very happy to state that I have known Miller Allen Gemeron, a forner student at the University of Kansas, ror five or six years. Cameron graduated from Wichita Bast High School in 1958 end entered the University of Kanses that fall. He played on the freshman football, basketball and baseball en me ee ee ae ee et ee Se ee He entered the University of Oklahoma in September, 1940, and withdrew from the University of Oklahoma in 1941 to enter war work. He is a fine athlete, observing his training rules in excellent fashipn. He is clean, capable and personable. He knows the meaning of the word loyalty and has the ability to make friends. I feel justified in recormending Mr. Cameron for the A.V.S. Engineering in the U.8.N.R. I would recommend him without reservation or evasion. Sincerely your's, Director of Physical ne PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.