January 27, 1943. Lieut. . H. Crosby, USER | Office of Naval Officer Procurement, 2nd Ploor Pinance Bldg., ‘Dear Lieutenant Crosby: Your inquiry of the 25th instant in reference to Robert Sansom Charlton has been received. I have mown young Charlton from childhood and during the time he was in Lewrence Memorial High School. He was also in my classes here at the University of Kansas. Charlton is a fine, clean, young man. He has a pleasing personality, although at times he is uconvincing. He is loyal, cooperative, and his reactions are always on the right side. He does not have a dominant personality, al- though he does have a pleasing one. His character is abovo reproach, but he does not possess that rugged, fl int~like type of personality that we look for in dominant leaders. Doubtless he has grown much during his time in the service. Very sincerely yours, Direoter of Physical Education, PCA H : Varsity Basketball Coach.