November 10, 1942. Mr, Murray Brown, 1423 West 10th St., Topeka, Kansas. Dear Murray: Thank you very much for your kindness in coming ever to practice last night. It was good alse to see your wife. I am enclosing the letter you requested, and am very happy to do this small favor for you. Here's wishing you lets of luck now and hereafter. Very cordially yours, | 7 Direetor of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Ceach. : P.S, Dick O'Neil, a Kansas varsity player in 1931-'32-'33, writes me from 0i1 Center, New Mexico, asking informetion about getting inte physical education work in the armed forces. Will you kindly write Dick, at Box 66, Oil Center, N. Mex., telling him the source from which your inquiry came? I will appreciate it if you will answer him direst. F.C.A.