August li, 1945. To Whom It May Concern: I em very happy to recormend for your consideration Private Howard Brown, ot tunes Gis, Soe, cot in Company EB, 37th Signal Training Pattalion, Camp Crowder, iissouri, as a young man worthy of consideration as an avietion cadet. I have had Noward Browm in three of my classes and find him to be intelligent, cooperative, courteous and cognizant of the necessary loyalties. le is clean, cap- able and in my opinion is courageous. He was a fine student, punctual at all times, and had the ability to follow orders to the letter. : Brown has completed five senesters at the University of Kensas. He is a major in Physical Education. The courses he hed under me were First Aid, Elementary and _ Intermediate Basketball. Tis academic work was highly satisfactory. Very cordially yours, Direotor of Physical Bduoation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Conch.