August 25, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: t am very glad to write in behalf of Carl Forrest Eresie, a graduate of the University of Kansas. | Kresie is a fine, clean, intelligent young man. He does not dissipate in any way, has a fine personality, is an athletic leader, and has the ability to command the friendship | end respect of his fellows. As evidence of this he was elected captain of the varsity baseball team, being a star pitcher and first baseman and a consistently heavy and timely hitter. 4 Forrest Kresie was an officer in the Men's Student Comeil, and president of the "K" -_ the varsity K men's orgenization. : Sia han 0 hain ghinibegds end Nan On dhidity & complete successfully the job that he undertakes. I em very happy to reconmend hin without reservation or evasion. Very sincerely yours, & Direoter of Physical Education, PCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coache August 24, 1942. Mrs Paul Lo thite, C. Sp., AA Training & Test Center, Box ll, Virginia Beach, Va. Dear Pauls I assure you it is a pleasure for me to write a letter of recommendation for you. - With best wishes for your continued success, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. August 24, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I em very happy to write in behalf of Peul L. white, of the University of Kenees and an outstanding student in our Departuent of Physical Education, | Paul White is a fine, clean, intelligent young man. He has @ fine physique, his character and morals are of the highest, and he imows the meaning of the word loyalty. I am glad to recommend him without reservation or evasion, Sincerely yours, = Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. ANTI-AIRCRAFT TRAINING AND TEST CENTER DAM NECK, VIRGINIA 20 August 1942 Dear Mr. Allen: I would like to impose on you again for a letter of recommendation. As you know I have been in the Navy since March 12, 1942 as a Chief Specialist in the Physical Fitness program. At the present time I have been re- commended for a commission by the commanding efficer. The letter should deal with moral, mental and professional qualifications, home back ground, etc. It should be addressed to "Whom it may Concern." Thanking you in advance I remain. Resp Paul L. White, C.Sp. AA Training & Test Center Bex li Virginia Beach, Va. PLW:tpp AES: ; iat a student and athlete at the University of Kansas, who ie i i 4 “il if ii Mat oe tnt for onan tall, yb fe i Pat and weighs has possibilities is popular with his teammates and has a Very sincerely yours, August 5, 1942. SS == hex he | Colonel (Raymond Ge Brees, Federal Building, — pe Dear Colone? Briggs te Remade ‘with Colenet dnak Ro Gage: of We Uatveratty of Kangas RoO.T.C. I loarned that the enlistmant. FS eee } tle hams de: the Tintvevedity a young sen named Chayles Black, who is in his senior years Black is ane of guy sitar all-round athletes in football, basketball and track. Re has been working at the Sunflower Ordnance Works at DeSoto, Kansas. He has received word from the local draft board here en august 5th. : Siack is 6 feet, 4 inches tall and weighs 210 witha, Se ee ee ee ee leadership, is very populer and has a way of getting along with his fellows. In uy opinion he has quelities that should ee ea His scholastic record is above average. He attended the University of Wisconsin in his fresimen year and his sophomore and junior years have been spent at the University of Kengas.e His high school work was done at Topekm, Kansas, and Kensae City, Missouri. His father is district representative of the Alemite Company. a a a I doubt £8 he penethle tu petitten yos for authority to enable Colonel Jack Gage to enlist him for the Army Reserve? I uuderstand that the quota here was twenty-five, and they en~- aa ee BCLON, Sills Very cordially yours, | Director of Phystend Education, FCA:An Varsity Pasketball Coach. May 26, 1942. To Whom It May Concern: I am advised that Charles Black, a student at the University of Kansas, is applying for Officers’ Training in the United States Marine Corps. Ghanian Bleak tne youlg am af fine char- acter, a great athlete, and an excellent student. ile has been a member of my varsity basketball team during the past season, where he made an outstanding record. He also lettered in track at the University this year. Black is intelligent, energetic, and co- operative. He has a fine personality and is clean in his habits. I em very glad to recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. HERCULES POWDER COMPANY INCORPORATEO SUNFLOWER ORDNANCE WORKS LAWRENCE, KANSAS August 3, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Alien Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, sAansas Dear Mr. Allen: We thank you very much for your answer to our inguiry on Ruth ©. Neill. The information which you supplied us has been made a part of Miss Neill's record, and it has enabled us to complete an investigation so necessary to be completed on all persons employed at this plant. Very truly yours, SUNFLOWER ORDNANCE WORKS GEORGE R. FOULKE, JR., MANAGER ae ee Louis H. Wilson, Superintendent of Plant Protection LHW: kf happy to commend to you Ruth Cs Neill, z Neill from childhood and have found te be a capable, Very sincerely JOUurs, Director of Physical Education, July 29, 1942. A it i Very PCA: AH July 23, 1942. attended the University and also when he attended the Business College. T bane t'tbhin ieiveirad seusemnabdaheaeel See Nie wien Re cetetred enya e's, eoagte ae bane ee cee sn en City. Ches‘les Haaphill is a good, loyal and subs fellow. He is e hard worker and will give you the best is in him. Ne is highly patriotic and has never been ! comected in any way with aaything but the finest instita- tions. . I recommend him without reservation. : Very sincerely yours, 7 : Direotor of Physical Education, PCAsAH Me Speak Gomh ir. Re Ma Allen, Hereules Powder Company, : Lewrence, Kansas. As = E Dear Mr. Aliens This will confirs ows telephone conversation this afternoon concerning Mra. Terry Morgan Black, the wife of Charles Black. ‘The reference blenk for Mrs. Bleok just arrived in this morning’s mail, which is the reason you had not heard from we previously. As I told you over the phone, Mrs. Black's father was manager of the ice compeny at Leavenworth, and they are a very fine family. She has been married just a year. She is a young woman of very fine character and Personality, and is absolutely loyal to hor courtry. I em very happy to recommend her to you for employment. Very sincerely yours, | Direstor of Physical Education, - PCA