EDWARD D. KROESCH Cc. C. HARDY, Principal : Superintendent Senior High School HOISINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS HOISINGTON, KANSAS July 16, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Director Physical Education, Univ. of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Mr. Clyde E. Moore is an applicant for the coaching position in our schools and has given your name as a reference. I am sure that you know our situation here quite well and could give us an estimate of this man's probable success should we select him for this position. Incidentally you might know of some one who is now coaching and is willing to make a change. We should be glad to know about such a person, Our usual combination has been social scinece and physical education beside the coaching of all sports. Our salary is low. We were planning to pay last year's coach $1680 for the coming year and had hoped to get someone for about that amount. Any help you car give us will certainly be appreciated. I remember with pleasure the assistance you gave me in 1925 when we employed Mr. Hardy who was so very successful in his work here, Very sincerely yours, Edward D. Kroesch, —. T . Schools, Hoisington, Sas.