July 9, 1942. Mr. Louis H. Wilson, ; - Superintendent of Plant Protection, Hercules Power Company, . Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Bre Wilsons I em in receipt of you confidential reference blank for John S. ee Parsons, Kansas. Ido not remeber i, Moliillin at the noment, and would like some more information. There have been so many MeMillins that have been in college here, and my acquaintance sometimes is rather large due to so many parts of the country to which I em called. In order to give you the best information on Mr. Mclliillin I would be glad to have a little more detaile . For instance, the information you gave me on Mr. Henry R. Fuller immediately enabled me to clarify the situation regarding him, and I am glad to write in his behalf. Sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Ravoation, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache