All situations are to be ruled according to the book. The items Liatee Meee Gee Sihy indeatek So saptnataee euesein yoists ew te euplity ox Clarify the rules and their administration. : 1, Refer to Rule 5, Sec. 3, line 6, wakes srendian = “except that a substitution may not be made in the interval following a field goal and putting the ball in play from out of bounds unless a charged time out has been declared," = Team A substitutes following a field goal and is charged wi’ : tthe During thks time out Team B also substitutes, Is oan B to be charged with a tine out? | =~ Peuiting 0 decision ty the Bitter it was agrect that Seen 3 ml S wats & stbetivution without being charged a tine out. « Following a field goal a Team A player is injured or ddoquatation Calls time out which is not charged if the player involved is Senavek teen the pane. (See Rule 11, Sec. 2) While the player is being — Is Team B to be charged with a time out Answer = Pending an official decision Team B will be permitted to eubutivute unter these conditions without a charged time out providing it is aie te tha idee the thee Leaviiy aihateed to font A for tes SO the injured or disqualified player. fe Refer te Rule 10, seo. 1. Om balls which go out of bounds behing the basket a twelve foot lané shall be permitted inwhich to pass into eA pn This, of course, does not apply to out of bounds plays follaring a 3e Refer to Rule 10, Sec. 1, Note to Officials. In order to stendardize administration the following mechanics will prevail when a team is awarded the bali out of bounds in its front court. The official shall (a) gain full possession of the ball; (b) turn ny feet De et heeds yoaeers (c} tur back to the passer and hend him the ball; (4) start an AUDISIZ COUNT as the passer gains ball possession. - fe In all counting situations officials are eueuvel to continue use of the artillery men's method of counting, and are urged to practice the counts with a watehe 5. The official score book for the game is to be left at the scoring table during the half time intermission.