December 17, 1941. li. Jo Fred Harris, N.YeA. Project Supervisor, State and Twiss St., Topeka, Kensas. Dear Pred: I am very happy to write to Gene Tumney in your ‘behalf, and I am enclosing a copy of my letter to hin. I have also written to Captain Milton HM, Medenbach, at Tulsa, Oklehoma, recommending you for one of the positions in his division. I am enclosing a copy of this letter, also. It was a pleasure to see you, Freddie. With best wishes and lots of good luck, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Encl. Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Decembor 17, 1941. » Adjutant starter PU sinaeareas Air Corps Technical Training Command, 20 East Archer Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dear Captain Medenbagh: I have received your comamioation of December 6th in which you state that a number of additional mon are required for positions as Junior Directors of Physical Training. I desire to reacmend to you a young mani who is at present Project Supervisor of the H.Y.A., at Topeke, Kaneas. lis name ie J. ee ee Kensaso , I have imown Fred Harrie for a grost mmber of yeare and have telligont young man, a Gleced Se near mse af Paguened Mameeaian and has boon in his present position for two years. fe is well grounded cn he eS HE ney Oe ae OF een) anme educations : At the present time Mr. Harris is supervising a progrem for 200 beys whose ages range from 17 to 24 years. ‘These boys are being treined in sheetmetal work, machine shop, radio, woodwork, photography, drefting, ete. His program includes strenuous activity for the boys, | such as boxing, wrestling, basketball end baseball, as well as some of ee a Gnoked aktatEe. Sis Seals a As Gin anaes at ea aeotie and supplies for the operation end maintenanse of the projects. Govern- Very sincerely yours, z Director of Physical Sduontion and Recreation, December 17, 1041. Yr. Cone Tumney, Director, Training Division, Bureau of Navigation, Ravy Departaent, Washing ton, De Co _ Dear Mr. Tunney: I desire to recommend to you a young man for ‘eonsideration as one of the physical instruotere in your division. His namo is J. Pred Harris, a graduate of the University of Kansas, end at present Project Supervisor of the N.Y.A., at Topeka, Kansas. I have inown Pred Harris for a great number of woodwork, photography, | aotivity for the boys, such as boxing, wrestling, basketball and base~ ball, as well as some of the lesser strenuous activities such as ping- pong, shuffleboard, dances and social affairs. al Seourity Agenoy. fle also engages in vocational guidance, and is eouncillor and disci: out a suitable health program and is active in first aid treatment. ) It is beeause of his vast experience and training that I am calling your attention to Fred Harris. I believe he would ‘be invaluable to you in your program. le may be addressed at State and Twies Street, Topelm, Kansas. I em very happy to recomend hin te you without reservation or evasion as an instructor, coach, or a personnel exocutive. , Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Bdueation and Recreation, FCA: AH : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Jenuary 26, 1942, Miss Pannie Mae Kerns, 902 State Street, Ellsworth, Kansas. Tear Miss Kerns: I have just recently learned that there is a teaching vacancy for next semester at Wakeeney (Trego County), Kansas, in which you might be interested. Someone wrote Professor Bayles saying that it was open, and Professor Bayles immediately called me. De not reveal the sowce of your information, but if you are interested I suggest that you slip over there and see the superintendent of schools and tell him of your qualifications. With best wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, , Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches ‘essor H. 3, Chandler, Appointment Bureeu. Deer Professor Chandler: sass bk tien Mek teeien 50 Se Midi este a ® woman physical education teacher at Wakeeney (Trego ), Kansas, for next semester. I have written to au Fannie Mae Kerns, at Ellsworth, Fansas, one of our graduates, inforaing her of the vaeany. She is highly recommended by Miss Hoover T wonder if you would care to get in touch with the — of schools at liakeeney concerning Miss Sincerely yours, 3 Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. January 22, 1942, Lte Commander J. J. Tamey, Training Division, Bureau of Navigation, Havy Departnent, : Washing ton, De C. Dear Mire Tunney: - | ss Sibiu Saoceie- etiadisol OUI he Otis seiko for a position as a member of your staff of physical instructors. I esa very happy to write you in behalf of '. Bruce, as I feel sure his palifications and experience would make him a valuable - gumber of your staff. 7 Kemeth Bruce received his A. B, degree at Bethany College in 1956. He has also done graduate work one sumer at Sa In his undergraduate work he has the equivalent of a minor in physical education, am! our graduate ccumittes has approved his application for doing work work toward the master's degree in education and physical education. Although iy. Bruee has not yet had opportiumity to avail himself of this - Opportunity, we feel thet he is an excellent candidate. i teen Des Salen nation per’ tis etadetied te caidas, heintag Sebtaeah Bene yoni widh Sa telbiGls wecketbat’ aah tents. Ne algo played one sumer on a Sen Johnson baseball teat. For the pest six years Ere Bruce has been couching and teaching physical education. Je has been at Lawrence Memorial High Sehool in this capacity for two years, and is making a splendid record here. He is a competent teacher, a very successful coach, | My. Bruce is a very personable young man. His character end habits are of the finest, he is intelligent, cooperative and industrious. I am very bkppy to recomend him to you without re~- - gervetion or evasion, Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAs H Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. ~ Jamaary 20, 1942. Ur. Edgar FP. Schmidt, Box 94, McLouth, Kansas. Doar Schmitty: I am enclosing a copy of the letter that I have written to Gene Tunney in your behalf. De you wish me to mail this letter direct to Ir. Tunney, or do you wish to present it to him yourself? — 5 ee, rere Rey eet hale Pome pee Assuring you of my desire to assist you in any possible way, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketbalj and Baseball Coach. Jenvery 20, 1942. Dear Mr. Tunuey: a I desire to write you in behalf of Mr. Edgar P. Schmidt, who is desirous of becoming a menbor of your staff, 1 believe thet lr. Schmidt has all the qualifications necessary to become a very excellent physical director in the Training Division of the Navy Department. T have Imown Ndgor Sohmidt for a munber of years. lie came to the University of Mansas in 1926 from NoLouth, Kansas. His undergraduate work: here was in the fields of social science, edueation and economics. fe made an outstanding record asa gtudent. In the eummor of 1936 he attended New York University working toward the master's degree in recreation. . Mr. Schmidt's athletic experience dates back to his high school days where he participated three years each in foot- ball, basketball and track. then he entered the University of _ Kensas he was a member of the freshman squads in football, basket~ ball and beseball. Ne played three years on the varsity football and baseball teams, earning letters in both sports. fle has played about thirteen years on amateur and sexiepro beseball teams, and about ton years on city league basketball end eoftbell teans. ‘Mire Schmidt was director of athletics, coach and education instructor in the Dodge City, Kansas, high school from 1950 to 1983. ‘The next two years he was Coty Director of Public special assistant to the Exeautive Director of the Xensas uargonoy Relief Commission. ‘lis works has included thet of Pield Represent~ ative and State Supervisor of Hecreation in the Works Projeot Ad- Mir. Soluxidt is 35 years of age, six feet tall, end woighs 175 pounds. le is a highly personable young man, and has the ability to win the friendship and respect of all with whom he comes in comtest. is posture end bearing are impressive, his character is of the highest, and he is clean in all habits. all his © aa very happy to recomend him to you without reservation or evasion. I sincerely believe thet you would find him to be a valuable assot to your staff. Very sincerely yours, Edgar P. Schmidt Me Louth, Kansas Box 94 Age: 33 Heighth: 6! Weight: 175 EDUCATION: High School = Me Louth High School 4 years College: Universk&ty of Kansas 4 years - A.B. Hegree ( Major - Social Science Minor - Education : Economics Graduate work - New York University - Summer Session 1938 (work toward M.A. in Recreation) EXPERIENCE : WOR Ks 1930-33 Director of Athletics - Physical Education Instructor Goach = Dodge City Public School - Senior High School 1933-38 County Director of Public Welfare - Leavenworth Co. 1935 - SpeéisinAssustant to the Executive Director Kansas Emergency Relief Commission = F.E.R.A. 1935-86 Work Projects Administration - Field Representative 1936-40 Work Projects Administration - State Supervisor of Recreation. 1940-present = Chief of Welfare Programs - Work Projec's Administration of Kansas. — ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL: 3 years football, basketball & track Universtty of Kansas - Football - Freshman team 1926 Varsity "1927-28-29 Baseball - Freshman " 1927 Varsity "1928-29-30 Basketball-Freshman squad 1926-27 season About thirteen years of baseball on ameteur & Semi-pro teams e ten years of city league basketbell & softball COACHING EXPERIENCE: . three years of high school with experience in directing football, basketball, baseball, track, tennis, and golf. REGREATIONAL EXPERIENCE ; 4 years as State Director of Recreation for the Work Projects Administration in developing public ~ecreation programs throughout the 5% ate e Jenuary 22,1942, Dear Mr. Tumney: - 7 T am very happy to write you in belmlf of Mr, Carl Jessup, who is an applicant for a position es physical instructor in the Training Division of the Bureau of Navigation. : Mr, Jessup is a graduate of Wichita Fast High School, emi received his A. B, decree from Friends University in 1936. He attended Kenses Stete Teachers College et Pitteburg os a special student in the sumer of 1938, and the University of Kensas in the sumer of 1941. He is at present enrolled in graduate work in education ani physical education at the Univer- sity of Kansas. He has thirty hours of college physical education. 3 During the past semester tr. Jessup has served es an has @lgo had charge of physical education classes at the lawrence _ While in high echool Carl Jessup lettered in football, high school champion in wrestling. In college he participated in football four years, wrestling one year, track three years, basketball one year. lle lettered in football and was captain two years, and in wrestling ho was rumer-up in the Missouri Valley AeAeTe iv. Jessup is an excellent teacher and coash. Prior to his coming to the University of Kansas he had fow years of high school teaching and coaching, in which he mde a fino reputation for himself. le handles his University classes with dignity and confidence, and wins the respect of his students and collengues. We have been very happy to have such a man available for our physical education classes. ; ray ote Carl Jessup is a clean-cut, capable, industrious young Mie His character is of the highest, ho is intelligent, and cé-operatives : IT am very happy to recommend him to you without reservation or evesion. I am confident that he will be a valuable asset to your training division. Very sincerely youra, ) Director of Physical Gdueation and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. January 21, 1942. Vayor Reger Sermon, Independence, Missouri. — You will recall my previous correspondence with you — Vaughn “Chick” Pontius. Since he has some time off fromthe Country Club today he is driving over to have a talk with youe He wrote to the Remington Arms Company for an appli- _ cation blank, but to date has not received one. I would appreciate it if you can get him straightened out with an application blank and enything else that he needs in getting lecated with the Remingtm Arms people. You will remenber that I told you he is very adept with tools, is a graduate of the Lawrence High School, and , took R.0.7.6. here at the University. I would appreciate anything that you can do for him. With kindest personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. January 15, 1942. . Board. of Salection, U. &. Naval Reserve, | Kengas City, Missouri. Gentlemen: I am very heppy to recommend to you Mr. Hubert Ulrich, a student et the University of Kansas. I have known Hubert four years, having had him in clasa chad Department of Physical Education. Hubert Ulrich is a big, fine-locking young man, intelligent, clean in his habits. He played end on the varsity football team here at the University of Kansas three years, end is at present a member of the varsity basketball team. This year ho was named All-Big Six ende Ho is 21 yoars of age, six feet one inch tall, and weighs 210 pounds. Ulrich is a hard worker, loyal and cooperative. ie ery happy WS wanen’ hin without reserwtion or evasion. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physioal Education and Recreation, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. i have adaired Mr. ood as a fine leader of young nen and a splendid coach. He is clean and capable and re- | . aa woll as sotting a splendid exemple to youths eee ee A See Caines ote sports = tracke He is one of Tarkio"s athletic greats. Mtr, Wood te in fine plyciea) condition at the present time. He has a fine personality, and I am vory happy to recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Very sincerely yours, Director of . Education and Recreation, FCA:AH _ Varsity and Baseball Coach. January 14, 1942. Badd A. “ood has asked that I write you recard- | ing his qualifications for a —— ag director of physical training. 3 sic, Weak sich dasbelind An, Shen: Dae Mah wenn here in which he had charge of coaching and physical eduo- ation for mix years. After thet he moved to Wichita for a couple of years and then returned to Lawrence and entered business. I have imown him very well since his coming to Lawrence and think that he is well qualified in the teach- ing field. Since Mr. Wood is older than most applicants for such @ position, I feel that his experience should be an Se for. a cat cokers He: in physical educati’o i formation regarding his qualiftoations I nant be pleased ee Sincerely yours, BE. R, BYbel, ERB: All Associate Professor, Physical “ducation. ee ee Jenvary 16, 1942. Werth American Aviation, Inc., Fairfax Pield, __ Kansas City, Kansas. Deax Sirs: Bdd A. Wood has asked that I write you regard- ing his qualifications for a position as director of physical training. Mr. tiood was located in the local high school here in whieh he had charge of coaching and physical education for six years. After that he Wichita for a couple of years and then returned to Lawrence entered business. I think that he is well qualified in the teaching field. & such ince Mr. Wood is older then most applicants for % his experience should be an aeset in the type of position for which he has applied. He the basic foundation for a well qualified man in physical education and recreation. » Should you desire any further information regarding his qualifications I shall be pieaged to write you at length. | Sincerely yours, B, R. Elbel, — Associate Professor, Physical Education. | January 9, 1942. Mr. Dean Phillips, Personnel Direstor, North American Aviation, Inc., Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Phillips: I have your inguiry concerning Charles Clifford Hoore, who has given you my name as a personal reference. Before replying to your questiomaire I want to be sure just who he is. Is he the son of Charles Moore,&r., _ who lives near Shawee, Kansas, who is employed by the Standard 011 Company? I shall be very happy to answer your query as soon as I have Charles Clifford Moore clearly identified in my own mind. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Josuery 10, 1942, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Te ee from thee K.U. NEWS BUREAU @ KANSAS UNIVERSITY @ LAWRENCE, KANSAS BK. W. DAVIDSON, Director Director of athletic publicity Li years Main support of family since father's death 5% years ago Handled all publicity on Kansas Relays last 5 years In charge of publicity for Big six mmmmm indoor track meet in Kansas City last two years. Graduate of Univ. of Kansas school of journalism, with an A.B, Dr. Allen has known me all my life id bli m Ae le uh it jay fuels tt aie sl : dil ibe Jammy 22, 1940. you without reservation find 4 i We be sq! i lit ude fe oe i | I] a iin 8 if aE iat i willing to recamend lorace to 42 i iE fal Te Hi: “He Mirector of Physical Mdueation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache