ie ee ee ee a ee ee ee +=Realiging the inequalities of rules of the DigeSix that exist between various sports, I desired to distinguish the difference in the rules ooneerni ng wll as legislated iy the faculty representatives and directora and the other major sports. Ho where in other sporte do they discriminate against a particular sport and otate timt only @ certain oumber of players mny be dressed for home ae | Re@liging the right of free speech, I dictated a statement to ire Horace SAGan, our Sports Publicity lireetor, se that he might give it to the presse i dic mot blase away or fire back at anyones Neither have I changed my idea one iota in regard to the rules disouseede if the directors of the SigeCliz worked out a plan and submitted it to the faculty representatives the tagketball eomehes of the SigeSix did not hear of ite In all previous SO eee te ee ae ee nt Let cmmmalts the exnney ent et their opinion and if the coaches desire sancthing they appeal to the directors, and then the matter is passed from the direetera to the faculty representatives for legislations We recognize inherent power of the directors and the faeulty representatives te make rules, but the mere Magewaving and lipeserviee given to Presidest Roosevelt's ational f‘efense frogrea by college adninistrators does not strike a wory reeponmive ehord, when euch legisiation ae we have mentioned is considered, one : In many institutions ne money is fortheeming froa the athletic departaent for intramural athieties.s Ae a general practice, many schools speak about the earnings fren the ath tie department going to intranurals but generally the ameunt contributed is very emll, At our institution not one penuy ie given by the athletic department toward intramumle because they have their own fimmneial problems uy intent wae constructive oritician and not to stir up malices We certainly would have no desire to enter into any personal controversy with our two good friends, Ore Nelle King and Direotor ieF, Ahem of \aneag states aguever, neither one of them did answer this very pertinent poimt; Why is it that there ie 4 gurtaikient on mmbers in basketball for home ames when no other sport is legislated against wy this rule? Guly ten men can be droseed for hove basketball games which certainly is @ ourtailment of munbers in sportee : After thie rule with limitations wis reenphasized wy the direetors and Snoulty representatives, Kansas State was the Nrst to violete the ten--an rule Ww carrying 15 men to Lawrence, ce oe ee ee munber to lanhatten, and later in the season the University of “issouth sent 22 men to lewvences However, the Missouri people dreesed but ten, two of the mon being sent ag & rewrd for their service during the seagon, while the tw other institutions dreased 15, last night Coagh [rake dressed 15 men at gry pede omen Bs only 10, ea far ac I wee concerned, he could have played ell ‘and I would Inve offered no objection Locauee certainly this rule is discriminatory These are merely statements of factes