Edgar P. Schmidt Me Louth, Kansas Box 94 Age: 33 Heighth: 6! Weight: 175 EDUCATION: High School = Me Louth High School 4 years College: Universk&ty of Kansas 4 years - A.B. Hegree ( Major - Social Science Minor - Education : Economics Graduate work - New York University - Summer Session 1938 (work toward M.A. in Recreation) EXPERIENCE : WOR Ks 1930-33 Director of Athletics - Physical Education Instructor Goach = Dodge City Public School - Senior High School 1933-38 County Director of Public Welfare - Leavenworth Co. 1935 - SpeéisinAssustant to the Executive Director Kansas Emergency Relief Commission = F.E.R.A. 1935-86 Work Projects Administration - Field Representative 1936-40 Work Projects Administration - State Supervisor of Recreation. 1940-present = Chief of Welfare Programs - Work Projec's Administration of Kansas. — ATHLETIC EXPERIENCE: HIGH SCHOOL: 3 years football, basketball & track Universtty of Kansas - Football - Freshman team 1926 Varsity "1927-28-29 Baseball - Freshman " 1927 Varsity "1928-29-30 Basketball-Freshman squad 1926-27 season About thirteen years of baseball on ameteur & Semi-pro teams e ten years of city league basketbell & softball COACHING EXPERIENCE: . three years of high school with experience in directing football, basketball, baseball, track, tennis, and golf. REGREATIONAL EXPERIENCE ; 4 years as State Director of Recreation for the Work Projects Administration in developing public ~ecreation programs throughout the 5% ate e