February 12, 1942. Board of Seleotion, Ue. Se Naval Reserve, Fensas City, Moe Gentlemen: I em very happy to write you in behalf of Mr, Cherles Elliott, a junior at the Mniversity of Xansas. Charles Elliott is one of the outstanding students on the campus. - le is active in University affairs. At the present time he is a meber of the Pe Committee, Owl Society, Signa Telte Ghi, end tho Men's Student Council. He has been managing editor of the Miversi cee ee ee ee eet ees: as participated in intramural basketball and s . Plliett has a keen mind, is loyal and cooperative, and has a fine personality. Mie character is of the Tle has an excellent record here at the Univer- sity, and I am clad to recammend him to you without reservation or evasione Very simerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.