OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE STATE COLLEGE STATION FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA December 5, 1940 Mr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: Thank you so much for your fine letter relative to John Sabo. I appreciate your kindness. Yours very truly, Peanic L. Eversull President PLE : DY Buy “Dakota Maid” Flour December 20, 1940 Commandant Ninth Naval District Great Lakes, Illinois Dear Sirs The writer hag been asked by Mre William Hartley Shannon, Associate Professor of Economics in the School of Business at the | University of Kensas, to write you concerning his fitness to be cone Sidered for a commission of Lieutenant in the Supply Corpse I am very happy to recommend without reservation or evasion Professor Shannone In addition to his academic degrees of AaBe and MeBebe earned at the University of Michigan, his LieBe earned at the Miversity of Kansas, he also holds the title of CePele fram the State of Kansase I personally have known Mre Shannon in his eleven years of teaching effort here at the Mniversity of Kansas, and I desire to say that he not only is a capable and an outstanding teacher, but he ranks very high in the community in which he livese ; . ae _ Tast year he coached the Varsity Golf Team and he brought a very mediocre group of beys within fighting rahge of the championships ‘The boys ~ on the teem liked him for his understanding sympathy and thoroughness, yet he had the ability to get the most out of the boys under his commands He is clean, capable, virile and aggressive. ot ‘I have just had occasion to speak with one of our outstanding seniors in the School of Businesses This senior is on my Varsity Basketball Teame I asked him his estimate of Professor Shannon's teaching efficiencye This is what he said, “He is a great teachers He is very thorovgh in his methods and he drilis, drills, drills the fimdamentals into you. He is a hard worker and a great organizers In my opinion he is a great drilimaster and he stays on the job, hammering it into you mtil you get ite” Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ce: Wme Shannon WENA Vawval Uabuich a fe hip ey ~~ das of oe Canetsh Vat, Lief Big [areght ages ' U. S. NAVY RECRUITING STATION U. §. COURT HOUSE KANSAS CITY, MO. 9 January 1941 Mr. F. C. Allen Lawrence Kansas Re: W. H. Shannon Dear Sir: The above has applied for appointment as a Comrissioned Officer in the United States Naval Reserve and furnished your name as a Sponsor. JI have been designated to check with you on the suitability of this candidate for the pcesition applied for. We wish to verify especially his loyalty and his moral and professional qualifications and to ascertain his previous service or employment and nature of associates, integrity and personal characteristics of the candidate. Will you please assist us in assembling this data so that the application may be acted on by filing in the enclosed form and adding under comment any of the above which you have knowledge or anything else pertinent to this candidate's qualifications for service in the Naval Reserve. Self addressed envelope enclosed herewith. Very truly yours, Jemary 10, 1941 Mre dels orrison : Asste Vice=President Liberty ‘ttuel Insurance — - 10 Rockefeller Plaga New York, Yew York Dear lr. Morrisons | I am very glad to recomend tre Orlando Trancis teamith i have known lire Nesmith sinee the time he graduated from high school at Belleville, Yansase Ie was a sterling athlete and an excellent studente for three years he pleyed on the Kansas Varsity Football Team with great distinction, and his last year he was elected Pea ine As Director of Athletics and as Head of the fTepartment of Physical Education, I came to know Ole very well. ile is clean and capable and very energetics He not only has a fine body but he has @ fine braing He knows the value of cooperation and I eam sure that any responsi Lbs Lty placed on him will be disc! harged most loy2llye He has en excellent personality and he dresses irmaculatelys He is personable end has an excellent approache foe has had classes under me end I pronounce him an excellent students I am glad to recommend him to yous Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ‘FeAsglg LIBERTY (9) MUTUAL INSURANCE ~ COMPANY HOME OFFICE: BOSTON 10 ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK, N.Y. Januery 7, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas SUBJECT: Orlando Francis Nesmith Dear Dr. Allen: We are considering Mr. Nesmith for a sales position in our Organization and he has given us your name as a personal reference. Won't you kindly give us your frank opinion of him. You may rest assured that this information will be held in strictest confidence and will be very much appreciated, Very truly yours, | s't. Vice-President. ’ JFMorrison:MML [/ December 21, 1940 Dre Paul Ve West School of Education New York, New York Dear fr. Vest: I have been away from school much of the time on lecture tours and during thet time I have failed to fill out the recommendation for your Comittee on Doctorate Candidates in regard to Mr. Harry Le Quaases I trust that my delay in enswering your Comunication has in'no way deterred your Committee in permitting Mre Quaes to procecde Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAsig I am very glad to recommend Mrs Ole Nesmith of 117 West 68th Street, known Ole Nesmith einee the time he graduated from high echool « He wage a sterling athiete and an excellent student. For : as Varsity Football Team with great distinction, vals | i have ley | i = | b.§ of . and as Head of the Department of Physical | came to mow Ole very well, He is clean and capable and very energetics, He not only has a fine body but he hag a fine brain,g He lmows the _ of sooperation and I am sure that any. Pespomeibility placed on him will He has an excellent personality and he dresses immoulately. He is persomable and has @n exceilent approach. He has had classes under me end I I am glad to recommend him to yous Very sincerely yours, owe Director of ieal Education & Reorea' Varsity tball Coach | Mre Asa Se Bushnell, Director Collegiate Basketball Officials Bureau Baltimore Hotel New York City Dear Bre Bushnell, : Sometime back in the fall I received a short note from Dudley DeGroct, Associate Professor of Physical Education, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York, asking that I write you concerning his qumlifications as an official. Each day, week and month I put it off until 1 finally felt ashamed of myself, Of course, I used the urge of administrative work and coaching as an excuse, but that really was no excusee When an individwl has an opportunity to recommend as personable an individual as Dudley DeGroot, certainly coaches Should not procrastinate as the game has too few men officiating as does DeGroote Two years &go I went as one of the National Collegiate Athletic Ase sociation Committeemen to Treasure Island, San Francisco, and aided John Bum in managing the Western NeCeAeds Basketball Championships John Bunn had ase sembled there the finest group of officials that I have seen works Bunn wag supervisor of the officials and his selection of them was only superior to his work of supsrvisione I told Buan and the officials in San Francisco at that time thet I believed they interpreted and executed the jcb of basketball officiating better in that tournament than in any tourmament I had ever witnessed in the United States. Dudley DeGroot ms the outstanding officiel of that groupe last year when I conducted the Western and the Final Championships for the N.CeAste in the Mumicipal Auditorium in Kansas City, one of the first men that I selested to work in the Western Championship was Dudley DeGroote We brought him here from Rochester, New York {he had left San Jose State Teachers Coliege and gone te Rochester) to represent the eighth district, because he the outstanding official in that seetion at the time I mew him. Of course, lled John Bum, who was the eighth district representative, and it was Bunn who nominated DeGroot, but even though he was out of the district glad to bring him from Rochester because he was well worthy. iri! The plan that I employed wes es follows: When the fifth district d the sixth district met we used officials from the seventh and oi ghth ets, and it worked perfectly. We never used an official to officiate his team in his om district. . ar iat Mre Bushnell Page 2 Jane 20, 1941 _. In recommending DeGroot I do it with a deep consciousness that he is an outstanding educator, a former great athlete, a splendid gentleman and a great disciplimarian. He has everything to make a splendid official and lacks nothing that he should possesse | 7 3 Sincerely yours, ¥ ” - Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg GCs DeGroot I canuary 31, 1941 Pht Kappa Psi De Pauw University Sreenesastle, Indiana Deer brothers: | My good friend ond trother, Henry (Hank) Nerper, University of Fiseonsin, hes written me that he is expecting his son, Henry (Hank) Jr, of Plymouth, indiana, to enroll in De Pauw next falle Henry (Sank) dre is an excellent student aaa a vember of the hig: sehool besketbell team at Plymouth, which is ~aking an exceptional record. I am sure that you will certainly make no mistake by giving this boy your very careful consideration. The Allens have been very close friends of the Harpers for years, and I ‘mow Tank Parper Jre's family intimately. They sre fine people, and I am happy to recommend this young man without reservstion or evasione He would make an excellent Phi Psies vith all good wishes, I am, Yours in the bond, FCA :1g:min Director of Physical Fducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ‘Pebruary 4, 1941 Miss Elizabeth Meguiar Adviser of Yomen University of Kansas Dear Miss Meguiars Sometime ego you asked me for a letter of recommendation regarding Mrs, Ide Foster, 4036 McGee, Kansas City, Missouris | Sinee I kmow so many families of Foster's I am trying to cheek up on Mrae Ida Foster and be : sure i have the right individual in mind. I have written re, Fanitea Houts of Warrensburg, Missouri in en effort to plece Mrs, Ida Fosterg te date I have not heard from Mrse Houts and we ere writing her agains I do not went you te believe thet I am es tardy with my correspondence as this incidence may indicate, but I am trying to refresh my memory regarding Mrs, Posters Sincerely yours, Mreetor of Physical rducation and pees Varsity Basketball Coach rCAalg February 4, 1941 Mes, Penite Houte Warrensburg, Missouri Dear Mrse Houtss Under date of Tecenber 21 we wrote you as follows: "T bave an inquiry from our Adviser of Women, Miss Elizabeth Meguier, regardin= ‘irse Ida Foster, 4075 MeGee, Kansas City, Missourie She has applied through the Adviser of Wemen's office Por a position of Hovsemother in one of the organiged groups, and has given my name in her list of referencess "I know so many families of foster*s thet I am a little confused regarding Mree Ida Fostere I would appreciate your writing me at your convenience, telling me of which femily she is a member, and if we were well acquainted with her when we lived in Werrensburge JT am quite sure that we were, but my desire is to render ire. Foster the greatest possible good and I must have some additional information before I can do the job satisfactorilye" Tt may be that the letter never reached you or perhaps it has been mispiacede At any rate, I should appreciate your giving me the information at your earliest convenience since the Adviser of “omen is waiting for my recommendations With kindest personal regards, I amy Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation weratty Basketball Coach Urse Fauite Wouts Warrensburg, Missouri Dear Mrse Houtss I have an inquiry fron our Adviser of Women, Miss Elizabeth Meguier, regarding Mrse Ida Foster, 4056 MeGee, Kansas City, Missourie She has applied through the Adviser of Women's office for a position of Housemother in one of the organized groups, and has given my name in , her list of references. : I know so many families of Foster*s that I am a little confused regarding Mree Ida Fosters I would appreciate your writing me at your convenience, telling me of which family she is a member, and if we were well acquainted with her when we lived in Warrensburge I &m quite sure that we were, but my desire is to render Mrse Foster the createst possible geod and I must have some additional information before I can do the job satisfactorilye | ) and the womenfolk will see some good ; | , ne : CS _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation FAsig Varsity Basketball Coach : THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS OFFICE OF ADVISER OF WOMEN _ LAWRENCE \ i a November 15, 1940 \/ = A: o Dre Fe Ce Allen 105 Robinson Gymnasium University of Kansas My dear Doctor Allen Mrse Ida Foster, 4036 McGee, Kansas City, Missouri, has applied through this office for @ position as housemother in one of our orgenized groupse She has given your name in her list of references. We shall appreciate a letter from you regarding the qualifications of Mrse Foster for the position she seekse Such qualities as good moral character, executive ability, pleasing personality, and social poise, as you know, are indispenseble requisites for this occupation. Thank you very much for your kindness in this mtter. Sincerely yours < 4. a ah / sa Ataee EM:SS | Elizabeth Meguiar Advieér of Women Enclosure February 10, 1941 Miss Elizabeth Meguiar 220 Frank Strong Hall University of Kansas Deer Miss Meguier: I have just heard from Mrs. Fanita Be. Houts, whom I wrote concerning Mrs. Oda Foster. There were four families of Fosters in Warrensburg, end I could not place Mrs. Oda Foster, but when Mrs. Houts told me to whet family she belonged, then I remembered who she wese iirse Foster is very striking in appearancee She is cultured, and she hes very good manners. She elways seemed especially interested in young people, partly due to the fact that she was the nother of two fine boys and one girl. They lost the ‘ittle girl while we were in Yerrensburge I trust this information has not arrived too late to be of some services Sincerely yours, CAT 1g:min Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach February &, 1941 Mrse Fanite B. Houts Dean of Women a ) Central Missouri State Teachers College Yarrensburg, Moe Dear Mrse Houts: I assure you thet your explanation wes the most feasible one in the worlde I have exactly the same difficulties that you have been undergoing. It is now Saturday afternoon, past two o'clock, but I am about two weeks behind in my correspondence at beste I have Varsity prectice at 3:00, and, if I did nothing else but dictate it would teke me three or four complete days, so you can see I appreciate your situation. Regerding Mrse Oda Foster, I remember her very well nowe when you seid Port Foster then the whole Foster family came back to me, and I remember clearly the time when they ‘ost their little girle yee I had explained to Wiss Meguier thet I wes weiting until I got more information before I wrote her regerding Yrs. Fostore Your letter geve me what I desired. Thank you very muche I will convey your good wishes to the Allen family, and your good wishes are reciprocal. Sincerely yours, FCArig:min Director of Physical Education and "ecreation Varsity Basketball Coach Education for Service wile GON Ge womEn CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE WARRENSBURG, Mo. February 5, 1941 Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I blush for the lateness of this reply. Your good letter under date of December 21 came with many Christinas letters and was put aside with them to be answered. ‘They are not answered yet, which is my reason for not answering your questions about Mrs. Foster. Accept my apologies and give to the Allen §amily my kindest greetings. Tell Mrs. Allen I would love to know about the holiday trip, especially Chicago and West Point and the girls. Mrs. Ida Foster is Mrs. Oda Fosters I am sure because I too had a letter from Miss Meguiar. Mrs. Foster is the mother of Jack and Bob, two of our fine graduates. When you lived in Warrensburg their home was on Grover Street near the hotel. There a little Foster girl died. I think she was one of Mary's friends. Mrs. Foster's husband was Port Foster. She is a very handsome woman, with good manners and a great interest in young people. She has had students in her home for years and for about three years managed the Phi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity house most satisfactorily. in my letter to Miss Meguiar, I gave Mrs. Foster my un- qualified recommendation. This is with all of my good wishes to you and your family. Very truly yours, Mrs. Os Le Houts Dean of Women OLE: dp February 8, 1942. lite Aede Stowt Superintendent of Schools Topelm Public schools 415 West Bighth St. Topeke, Kansas Dear Supte Stouts Tam very happy to fill out the appraisment blenk of Gordon Gray _@nd Ernest Vanelke Both of these boys are exceptional chaps and both have served as my ccach of freshman basketball. . _ Emest Vanek was my freshman coach four years ago and Gordon Gray is serving as freshman coach at the present times Both are very clean, capable and personable. Neither use tebacao er alcoholic beverages in . any way, and both set fine examples before the young men with whom they Worke Both boys have played on championship teams here at the University and are very populet with the student body. Gordon is now working on his Master's Degree here at the University and that is the reason he is assisting me with coachinge It serves as an opportumity for him to continue his school worke Gordon went to Herlingen, Texas immediately after his cradvation here, end I believe he has been dow there four yearse Ernest Vanek coached at Herrington, Kansas end made-en exceptional record with © young team theres Both boys sre well versed in the theory and practice of physical. educations Neither of them are of the sowcalled athletic type who believe only in competitive ethleties. Fach ‘mows the | place of athletics in the intezral scheme of édueation and both boys have & fine sense of value and fully realize the value of intramureals in school lifes — I would not hesitate the slightest in recomiending either boy as she top basketball coach or as an excellent man to head a physical education Ernest Vanek is married and has been for the lest three years. Gordon is unmrried but is a fine, clean, personable young mane If there are other questions you 1 uld like to ask concerning éither one, I should be glad to answer them the best I cane I would recommend both boys without reservation or evasion.e I put my stamp of approval: on boths Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg TOPEKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS A. J. STOUT, SUPERINTENDENT GENERAL OFFICES: ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 415 WeEsT EIGHTH AVENUE TOPEKA, KANSAS February 5, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have applications from Gordon Gray and Ernest Vanek for work in physical education and basketball. I should like to have you give me an opinion regarding the merits of each of these two men, especially in physical education classes. I assume, since both of them have worked with you as assistants in freshman coaching, thet they are trained in basketball. However, we want to do something in physical education as well and I want to know what these men. can do to help us. Sincerely yours, AJS/F Superintendent of Schools February 14, 1941 700 Washington Avenue Ne Minneapolis, Minnesota Gentlemens I have received your application form to be filled out for Douglas Brown,who has given you my name as references : However, I am sorry to say that I have been unable to refresh my memory regarding Douglas Brown end hence am unable to fill out your forme I am returning the form herewithe Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physital Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg