Jemary 10, 1941 Mre dels orrison : Asste Vice=President Liberty ‘ttuel Insurance — - 10 Rockefeller Plaga New York, Yew York Dear lr. Morrisons | I am very glad to recomend tre Orlando Trancis teamith i have known lire Nesmith sinee the time he graduated from high school at Belleville, Yansase Ie was a sterling athlete and an excellent studente for three years he pleyed on the Kansas Varsity Football Team with great distinction, and his last year he was elected Pea ine As Director of Athletics and as Head of the fTepartment of Physical Education, I came to know Ole very well. ile is clean and capable and very energetics He not only has a fine body but he has @ fine braing He knows the value of cooperation and I eam sure that any responsi Lbs Lty placed on him will be disc! harged most loy2llye He has en excellent personality and he dresses irmaculatelys He is personable end has an excellent approache foe has had classes under me end I pronounce him an excellent students I am glad to recommend him to yous Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach ‘FeAsglg