July 2, 1941. Lt. Com. Nathan Young, U.eS.NRe, Kenseas City, Moe Dear Commander Young: I have been asked by Maurice Jackson to write you concerning his capabilities. I have known Maurice Jackson for over fifteen years. He was a schoolmate of my children in the grade schools, high school, and the University of Kansas. Young Jackson has always been of the intellectual type. He is clean, courteous, and capable. In high school he was known as one of the dependables in academic and athletic work. istently on a member df my freshman and varsity basketball team. And in addition he was photographer for the Jayhawker, which is the University annual. Jackson served on the publicity committee for Homecoming which is the big football feature of the year. Maurice Jackson is an all-around man. He has the very high regard of the faculty and the students of the University. He does not use narcotics nor alcoholics. I eam happy to recommend him without reservation or evasion. He is one of our outstanding young men. Sincerely FORESs, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. July 12th, 1941 Commanding General Naval Réserve Flight Selection Boar« Topeka, Kansas Dear Sir: I desire to recommend to you Bob Holmer, a senior in the University of Kansas. I have known Bob Holmer for eight or ten years and I have always found him to be a very dependable and intelligent young man. He played on my Varsity basketball and baseball team and I found him loyal, efficient and energetic. He is dependable end he has the ability to meke friends among his team mates and fellows. He has no bad habits and I recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreetion-Varsity Bakketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re PRAIRIE VIEW STATE NORMAL AND INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE s PRAIRIE VIEW, TEXAS Se > _ ro — DIVISION OF ARTS AND SCIENCES —_—— ~~ a -o al —, <— f \ - ee ~ ‘* : a 4 en” 2 2? x c iss eas r July 10, 1941 o MM ie Head, Department of Physical Education University of Kansas ws ee Lawrence, Kansas we ei Dear Sir: as . 7. a We should be glad to have you recommend to us for a position here a colored man who has completed or is now completing work on or above the master's level in your department. Very truly yours, / / Mk, foes Division of Arts and Sciences Mire Re Pe Perry, Director, Division of Arts and Sciences, Prairie View State Normal end Industrial College, | Prairie View, TOMAS « heppy to submit to you the neme of Chester Hynes for the epening you heve for a colored man in physical edmeatione candidate feel free te write me. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation, FCAtAE Varsity Basketball Ceph. COLBY PUBLIC SCHOOLS R. L. DENNEN, Superintendent COLBY, KANSAS July 16, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Mr, R. W. Raugh, our former football coach, has just notified me of his resignation and states that he will come to the University for the coming school year. Mr. Raugh has had four highly successful years here at Colby, and he is just thetype of individual that fits into our scheme of things. Now that he is leaving, we shall have to replace him; I am writing to you in hopes that you will be able to recommend someone to take his place, I think this man should be a married man with perhaps two years of successful coaching and teaching experience. It will probably be necessary for us to hire a married man since the single men will all be in the draft, and we do not wish to employ a person that might not be | with us throughout: the school year. Since you are acquainted with Mr. Raugh after having interviewed him, you should have a pretty good idea of the type of personality that we like. I think our Board would be willing to pay in the neighborhood of $1500.00 which is the amount paid Mr. Raugh when he came here. Mr. Raugh's teaching assignment has been in the field of government, history, and a course in junior business training. It will probably be | necessary for us to secure a man to teach in this field since our face ulty is complete for the coming school year in all other departments. Since the time is short, I shall appreciate it if you will have not more than two or three good prospects write to me. If you have time, I shall be happy to have your appraisal of these men so that I may have your judgment in guiding me in my selection. Thanking you for your assistance, I am Yours very sincerely, He tC, . OR, L. Dennen RLD: MA ca as ar aa suites wie audi aciaiinaiiauns iat tain I have called Mr. Chendler and asked that the I have noted the assiguments Mr. Raugh had in his teaching field and I am not sure whether either of these _ewo boys will be able to fill that exact assigmaent or note However, I pledge you my full cooperation in endeavoring to find somebody for youe ie do appreciate that you are anxious political life. If you are Se cee Uda waa tae Peaacacal oar oor ere eranaiadles However, this young man is unmarried and the army may get hin. ee Oe = fm : & splendid job. | Sincerely yours, : Direetor of Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity tball Coach. ; July 25th, 1941 President Herbert L. Cushing State Teachers College Kearney, Nebraska Dear President Cushing: I am very happy to commend to you Mr. Don- Cooper one of our Star athtetes and later coach at Southwestern College at Winfield, Kansas. Mr. Cooper has his advanced degree from Ohio State University and I'm sure he will make you a safe and valuable man both in Physical Education and Athletics. His experience and training will qualify him for such a position. I have known Don Cooper for a great many years and have always found him to be an energetic, loyal and conscientious worker. I'm happy to recommend him to you for a position #uch as you have to offer. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education ~ and Recreation-Varsity Basketball FCAsre ae and Baseball Coach. NEBRASKA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE KEARNEY, NEBRASKA July 21, 1941 Dr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are considering Mr. Don Cooper for a plece on our faculty as an instructor in physical education and basketball coach. , Our program is one in which we endeavor to keep the balance between physical education as such and athletics. The position a calls for e genuine devotion to physical education as such, and @ willingness to work hard in the building of a strong intra- murel progrem. | Any evaluation which you would care to give me with regard to Mr. Cooper will be very greatly appreciated. HLC 3 DW July 26th, 1941 Superintendant F. H. Wilson Fredonia, Kansas Dear Superintendant Wilson: I have been asked by Mr. Homer E, Bigham, former coach at Rock Creek, Kansas, to write you regarding his capabilities, , his personality and his character. I understend thet he is applying for a job at your school. sa os I have known Mr. Bigham for several years and have always found him a'very up-right and outstanding individual. He has been 4n a number of my classes and I find him responsible, capable, and energetic., He is a very clean young man and would be a fine influence upon young men under his control. Mr. Bigham had a fine record at the college of Emporia and as a competitior in football, basketball and track. He was captain of the basketball team in his Senior year and was a member of the All-Kansas Honor Football Team. | I am very happy to recommend him without reservation or evasion. : < Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and ~ Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:re tay Saal Op oe. Oh) fuk. Ce OU hut) Hh : Git f eae a rela se “Rass 7 ov pecs I Aave been, tonthe al Kook Wuke CG cols) S 5 “ panes - Spee AeR pa! eae she hex Paap tease ioe a sige sophie. Sagas a Aha ies acaagalas ot ag ee hee it nag bE ee ahh os ES 4th. eA ere ay oo ie Ses ape Se bea Ete ones pg Sa nc 98 2) EE Ua ae Sa ema eg ete espe, Urey ae Sie a OS: BER See bee ERS ESSE eeprom aad ge apa ae sg! sities oe = es ‘ July 26th, 1941 Mr. Bugene &. Briggs Phillips University Enid, Oklahoma Dear Sirs _ This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of July 22nd, in which you make inguiry concerning a Director of Physical Education for Women. We have two graduates who majored in Physical Education some graduate etudy. However, both of these girls are self support- ing and will need a little more financial assistence than just room and tuition. If you desire, you nay contact the following girls who might be interested in doing the work you mentioned. Mise Wanda Horosko, 23 South Hallock, Kansas City, Hissouri, Miss Pamnie Mae Kerns, 9062 State Street, Ellsworth, Kangas. If there is any further tabovestine you desire, be kind enough to write me. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education for Women. August 1, 1941. ultimo has @ ; le, you a he in Kanses g lat sat-d . a detget 2) Vad : Ay ae |, wuts pts |] a3 ij: Fo allay & i H : gee quite ts Hesse & 2 . oe payin # fait 3 ui py tiled ge PU = “ed i bree: i it! : : fil dana 4) Ula a toe aga cheat aa fi ane ak uh INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY (INCORPORATED) Liberal, Kansas, FROM DEPARTMENT July oUth, lv4l. SUBJECT: LPe eGe Alien, Heaa of vept. of raysical sudaction, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. wear rhog: i am working as field coiiector for the International Harvester Uo. for the Hutchinson branch. wy headquateis is Libcral, sansas, i have two counties, sicade and Seward. Like the work fine and this is certainly a fine Co. to work for. i have learned more law tois summer than I did in the two years in scnool, I nave to do quite a bit of work at tne courthouse cnecking chattel records, taking mortgages on more security and etc. i Expect to return to scnool tnHis fail and get my law degree. dhe LliCo. can assemble the finest looking bunch of men I ever witnessed in one organization. Une of the dealers, whom I must contact in my work has &@ son woo coaches at Little niver, Kansas. they are looking for a man to assist with the coaching. He must be able to teach Githner Science or iiath. or perhaps both. I don't know the size of the town or even its location. i thought yoy might like to know and it may be worth inquiring into. Perhaps you could place some 4.U° boy. Very Truly Yours, August 5, 1944. Mir. Eenneth S. Adams, Presidezxt, Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahome. . Dear Boots: Thank you wary mach for your geod letter reeerdteg Chester Cibbones I can understand the difficulties that you labor under and I really did mot went to burden you with this, but Chester Gibbons is such a fine fellow I did want to help him. mot been in amy sport but football, and I felt sporte ee ee eee him a li bit. He is a vory bright little fellow from Kansas, end he has had no soft jobs while he has been im school. So I wanted him to have the reward thet comes from sincere and hard effort. I will apprec- tate anything thet you can do for him if it ever comes your Waye | Congratulations om your son Bud enrolling at K. Us this fall, I am pleased beyond measure and I mow that Bud will be a fine student and-a swell athlete. Anything that I oan do for him et any time will be e great pleasure. 4nd we are glad that we are going to have one of your children in Lewrence so thet you will be in Lawrence much more often than you have in the paste We have an excellent Petroleum end Professor Le Ae Stephenson is just about tops, in our opinions | With all good wishes, I om Sincerely yours, : Director of leal Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Coeche ~« K. S. ADAMS August 2, 1941 PRESIOENT Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Thanks so much for your nice letter of the 3lst in reference to Chester Gibbons. A. few days ago I received a letter from Vie Hurt regarding Gibbons and referred it on to Darrel Phillips, our Personnel Director, for considera- tion. We are overloaded on men of his back- ground, our largest shortage being for technical men, especially engineers. However, we will be glad to consider him on account of his fine recommendations from you and Vic. - Don't know whether I told you or not, but Bud is going to enter K. U. this fall as a Sophomore in the Petroleum Engineering School. He spent last year at Menlo Junior College, and had @ good year as far as his academic work and ath- letics are concerned. No doubt I will be in Lawrence more often in the future than I have the past few years, and I shall look forward to the pleasure of seeing you. With kindest personal regards, I am Sincerely yours, b= KSA: TEK August 7, 1941, I am very happy to recommend William Joseph Arthur, who is finishing his University of Kensas. I have known Mr. Arthur since his trance at the University in the fall of 1938. He played wy freshman end varsity basketball teams two years ago. Mir. Arthur is a fine, clean young mn, physically end morally. He has no bad habits, end I am glad to recommend him to you very highly. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. August 11, 1942, Most. of my basketball players have not gone into physical educetion. ‘They have gone into engineering, medicine, Pe OO Ss OP 7 DRS Dery Leer ae OS T eS SHES to you at the present time. Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coachs Dr. Elbel suggests either Barker or Wolgast. Barker, he thinks, would be preferable tecause of his Gasvibteal) record. (Barker has been deferred to fourth class in the draft classification because of a bad mee, so there is not much chance of him being called.) Wellington Public Schools CLAUDE KISSICK, SureERINTENDENT Wellington, Kansas August 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. *llen Professor of Physical Education University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Br, Allen: I have received word this morning that Mr. Buzzard, our basketball coach,is not phanning to return to Wellington next year. As you know Mr. Buzzard handled basketball,track as well as assisted in football. In looking for a new man I would like to find someone who is well grounded in the fundamentals of basketball, some- one who knows the kind of competition that we have in the Ark. Valley league. I would appreciate any recommendations that you may have for this position. I would like a man who has had some experience in the coaching field, who knows how to handle boys and is capable of getting along with fellow teachers particularly in their own department. We have had fine cooperation on the athletic staff in Wellington for the past few years and want to continue that same type of leadershipe If you could suggest two or three of your boys who have follaed the teaching game and would be interested in Wellington I would appreciate having some information regarding their qualifications, We have not opened this position officiall y but would like to seek a few candidates from which to make our selection. Very Truly Yours, AG te hinds HEADQUARTERS Southeast Air Corps Training Center Maxwell Field ; Montgomery, Alabama (4,0-EBS) jh. April 14, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director Physical Education and Recreation, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of April 10, recommending Mr. John Cress for a position of Assistant Director of Physical Education, Southeast Air Corps Training Center. I wish to assure you that Mr. Cress' application, as well as your recommendation, will be given every possible consider- ation in this matter, and Mr. Cress will be notified. Yours very truly, Ee 18 Poth ERNEST B. SMITH, Director, Physical Education. May 16th, 1941 Mr. Paul Meeoner Garnet, Kansas Dear Paul: I en inclosing carbon copy of letter I sent to Mr. D. A. McConnell, Superintendant of Schools, Junction City, Kansas, on this date. Good luck! Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Besketball and Baseball Coach. PCA: re May 16th, 1941 My. D. A. MeConnell Superintendant of Sehools Junction City, Kansas Dear Mr. MeConnell: I widerstand that Paul Masoner is applying for a position as coach in your ee of Physical Education. I ex very happy to recommend Peul Masoner. He ig a fine gentleman, a splendid coach and a definite inspiration to the young men with hom he works. He has made a very envieble record in Garnet. I have wmitched his progress with great satis- faction. : &s a student and an athlete in the University of Kensas, Paul Masoner was very outetanding. He was clean, capable and resourceful. He had no bad habits and he was an exemplary young men to have on the ' athletic squads. I trust that you will give him your serious consideration. I am glad tc recommend him without reservation or evasion. : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation-Varsity Basketball FCA: re and Baseball Coach. a May 23rd, 1941 Mr. E, Hampton Attorney at Law United Life Building Saline, Kansas : Dear Mr. Hampton: Mr. Bob Fitgpatrick, one of our Varsity basketball players, is desirous of obtaining work on the Highway this ee. I would appreciate any consideration that you might give this worthy young man. He is e good athlete and a good student. With appreciation, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball PCA: re and Baseball Coach. P.S. Dr. Allen had to leave with the baseball team for Menhattan before this letter was written. He asked that I sign the same for hin. Secretary June 2nd, 1941 Flying Cadet Board Richards Field eo Pairfax Air Port Kansas City, Kansas Gentlemen: I desire to recommend to you, Mr. Paul Lewis White of Garden City, Kansas, a member of this year's 1941 graduating class at the University of Kansas. | Paul is receiving his B.S. degree in Education. aul is twenty-four years of age and has been a member of the Varsity football and swimming team during his three competitive years in college. As captain of the oe swimming team and as @ member of that team, has been most outstanding. He has broken many University swimming records. I have had Paul White in my classes and find him an earnest, mature and purposeful young man. I'm sure that if he is fortunate enough to be selected by your Board, that he will give an excellent account of himself. Standing better than six foot and weighting nearly two hundred pounds, faul impresses an individual most favorably. has no bad habits and knows the meaning of the word, “loyalty”. 7m a happy to rauetient aes to youe Vary emnébelty yours, Director of Physical Education and | Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA: re Baseball Coach. fay hegtions June 4th, 1941 Br. W. J. Harris, Secretary Committee on Loans and Undergraduate Scholarships 172 A Bascom Hall University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin Dear Kx. Harris: I desire to commend to you Mr. Gabe Parks, whe I understand is applying for a non-resident tuition scholarship at your University. I have known Mir. rarks quite intimately and have found him to be an especially deserving and capable young man. He possesses at the present time a scholarship in Sattenfeld Hall. This scholarship is for young men of superior mental ability who possess leadership. Last semester, Gabe Parks' academic standing was 2.4. I ax happy to recommend Mr. Parks without reser- vation or evasion and feel that he will make a place for himself. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA: re Baseball Coach.