August 5, 1944. Mir. Eenneth S. Adams, Presidezxt, Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Oklahome. . Dear Boots: Thank you wary mach for your geod letter reeerdteg Chester Cibbones I can understand the difficulties that you labor under and I really did mot went to burden you with this, but Chester Gibbons is such a fine fellow I did want to help him. mot been in amy sport but football, and I felt sporte ee ee eee him a li bit. He is a vory bright little fellow from Kansas, end he has had no soft jobs while he has been im school. So I wanted him to have the reward thet comes from sincere and hard effort. I will apprec- tate anything thet you can do for him if it ever comes your Waye | Congratulations om your son Bud enrolling at K. Us this fall, I am pleased beyond measure and I mow that Bud will be a fine student and-a swell athlete. Anything that I oan do for him et any time will be e great pleasure. 4nd we are glad that we are going to have one of your children in Lewrence so thet you will be in Lawrence much more often than you have in the paste We have an excellent Petroleum end Professor Le Ae Stephenson is just about tops, in our opinions | With all good wishes, I om Sincerely yours, : Director of leal Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Coeche