March 10, 1942 Mre John Eble, Manager The Bble Teachers * 615 Merchants Bank Building Indianapolis, Indiana Dear Mre Eble: I have passed on your letter and application blank to Mre Gordon Gray, who was one of our ateline Varsity Basketball Pleyers and polevaulterse Gordon, after his graduation, went south and taught | for four years at the Harlingen, Texas Public Schools. He is back now werking on his Master's Degree and is employed as our Fresiman Basketball Coach and also he assists me with the Varsitye Iwill recomend him to you without reservations With all good wishes, i am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physica] Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach Maas ce: Gordon Gray Maroh 28, 194] Mre Paul pndacott eee Vice President Phillips Petroleum Company Bartlesville, Olrlahana Dear Pauls I just had a conversation with Howard Engleman and he is quite anxious to affiliate himself with your fine corporation, I told Howard that I would write you and say a few words in his behalf, hoping that it might be possible to arrange something for this very promising youmg mane . Howard Engleman is a brilliant student as well He hag never given me one minutes concern in his three playinge le trains perfectly. He is one of the most boys that it has ever been my privilege to coach, and is modest to the extrema. He has brilliant ability not only in the lassroom, on the de fetkenne tae he te ons of the moet popular mem on the campus wi th llowse At the present time he is President of the Senior Class in the School of Businesse He has worked consistently three years in the intrae mural set-up here and ir. Elbel counts him one of his steadiest of dependables in officiating and in the administrative work of the intremural departments Howard has been one of those boys who has not depended on his athletic ability to help him keep a jobe He works at $5¢ an hour, and the fact that he hag had to work on account of his mother being a widow has caused him to be selfereliant, dependable and quite careful with his expenditures.s : @ great athlete. of Varsity and cooperative i = Personally, I would want no finer boy either in the business or in the athletic realms He is one of the finest tasketball players that I have seen and he depends upon skill and intellicence to get him to the high vantage point that he has atteineds if this letter should not be dirested to the right person, I would thank you to turn it over to the proper partys Of course, I could have written Chuck fiyatt, but I was sure Chusk lmew of his athletic abilitye 1 wanted you to know of his dependability, integrity and exceptional accomplishments so that you might evaluate him in a business wye He will never disappoint You, Paul, and I lmow under the guidance of the young executives that you have in your Conyany, he will blossom out into one of your outstanding young men should he be given a business opportwmitye . ' My kindest regards to your associates and I would also like to be renenbered very kindly to your lovely familye Sincerely yours, PCA sig | Director of Physical Education and Recreation ¢a' Wernde Ealrir atin Varsity Basketball dnd Baseball coach Merch 29, 1941. Commanding General Seventh Corps Area Oneha, Nebraska My Dear Sirs I desire to: commend to you Don Thompson, e@ senior in our University of Kenses from our School of Educetions I heve mown Pon Thompson for about eight yearge He - gpeduated from the Lawrence Memorial High School in this citys ee eS tee ot 0s m8 © aretty Arse benhot He has competed three years on the varsity two. mile team in the fall end on the varsity track team in the springe His events are the 880 yard run and the miles He has also run on the medley the four mile relay teame z Don Thompson has been a boy who"es had to work his way through colleges He. ae © ly Sarees yong ee and desires to enlist ™ we Diy Gorges 7 During the summer ooesion I have wnder my control the reereation of the sumer school and Don has worked for me at that time and has given splendid setisfectione — t trust thet he will heve en opportunity to serve his nation in this time of crisise I will appreciate your careful consideration of this young mane Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Pecreation Varsity Besketbeall and Beseball Coach POA smh cc: Don Thompson . P.O.COONS, PRESIDENT R.A.DUNMIRE,V. PRES.& CASHIER M.H.STOCKWELL,ASST. CASHIER SPRING HILL,KANSAS March 28th,1941 Dr. Forrest ¢.Alilen Athletic Dept. Kansas University Lawrence Kansas Dear Frien& "Phog";- After conversation with you yesterday relative to your talking at a dinner which we are giving here for the basket ball teams,both High and Grade Schools, we have set April 10th as the date preferable. That is one of the two dates you had open. Personally I surely appreciate your coming to our small town for this little honor we desire to pay to the boys. I know that your presence and the talk you give them will make their basket ball experience mean more and open their eyes as to the value of clean athletics in the development of our youth. | Will you ask your Secretary to drop me a card confirming this date. Sincerely yours < ‘ RAD /Ds. ReA.eDunmire Apral 6, 1941 Myse Puth Me Bronson Agseciate Guidance Officer Office of Indian Affairs Washington, De Ceo Dear Mrs. Bronson: I am very happy to write you concerning Albert Wabaunsee, a senior student in our University of Kenssse As head of the Department of Physical Education at the Univer= - sity here, I have come into close contact with Albert Vabaunsee heving had him in two of my academic classes. At the present time he is playing second base on our varsity baseball teame I am the coach of the baseball team. I know Albert vory well and I find him to be a very honest, sincere, and dependable young mane He is clean, per= sonable, and has a definite desire to succeed. He is energetic, has « fine sense of humor, and it is my opinion thet he is a very safe and veluable young man to deal with young people. I would recommend him to you without reservation and I firmly believe that he would be a fine example for Indian youthe Over thirty yoers ago I coached et Haskell Institute end I learned to mow the fine qualities in Indien youth. I would say that Albert Wabaunsee has all of these admirable quel- ities that I found so desirable in outstanding young men at Haskell Institute. Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and “ecreation Varsity Besketball and Basebell Coach FGA: mh spril 10, 1941 lire Ernest Be Snith — | Director of Physical Training Southeastern Air Corps Training School Montgomery, Alabama Dear Mre Smiths I desire to write you concerning the character and ability of Mre John Cress, a graduate of the University of Illinois, and an assistazit instructor in our Department of Physical Educatione oS . Mre Cress is here ona fellowship this yeare He has thrilled our Physical Education majors by his exceptional ability, and his highly developed skills on 011 piecss of apparatus in the gymnasiune ‘Mre Cress has a pleasing personality and has exhibited e splendid attitude with the men under his teachinge He is cooperative, resourceful and has qualifications thet an administrator highly desi ress Doubtless you know that he was a member of the letional Champion Gymnastic Team at the University of Illinocise Sinee his coming here, interest in gymmastic skills has quadrupled. All the members of the Varsity Football and Basketbell teams, who are majors in physical education, are enamored with his worke I mention this because of the fact that many soscalled athletes rather look with disdain upon bar work, but since llr. Cress’ coming — he has enthused this type of athlete until they work at it with enthusiagn canparable to their athletic achievements . We have been more than pleased with ire Cress! presence on our staff and we regret to see him leave except for the fact that he is enlisting to serve his countrye At our budget conference our comaittee recommended an increase in salary for Mre Cress should he have stayede ~ i en happy to recommend him without reservetion or evesione He is one of the best qualified men thet has come to us ina long times | Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAslg April 14, 1943 Mmijor John Le Griffith Commissioner, BigeTen Hotel Sherman Chicago, Illinois Dear Major Griffiths 7 I have been asked by Don Elser, the Notre fame athlete whe coached here at Ste Benedict's College with unusual success, and who is now teaching in the Norace Mann School in Gary, Indiana, to write you concerning his qualifications as a besketball official. i am happy to say that we used fon Plser in several games for the past three years and we have found him an excellent of ficial in this sport. le is alert, aggressive and commnds respect of the members of both teams. ilis bearing on the court is pleasing and he is dominant, yet not in an irritating ways He rms the ball gens yet he does not arouse resentment from thie Spectators or the playerse Don knows basketball and he imows hoir to officinte ite He has civen very excellent service in our territory. I em happy to write this testimonial regarding Don Flser's - * personality, efficiency and attitude on the courte : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Gdueation and Reereation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach MAslg April 16, 1942 Smith Center Publie Schools Smith center, Kansas Dear Supt. Allberts i have been requested by Mre Jelle Greem, one of our University of Kansas graduates, whe is located in Phillipsburg, Rausas, to write you a letter concerning his character and abilitye I kmow of no young man in the coaching field who sets @ finer example to young mon than "Bill" Greene. He is an alleround athiete, having served most proficiently in Varsity Tracke He was also @ fine basketball player and he served as assistant trainer to my Varsity. I have been rather fortmate in developing such trainers as Jimmy Cox at Harvard, Roland Logan et West Point, Elwyn Dees at Nebrasim, Milton Kelly at the Mnivorsity of Texas and Dean Nesmith at Mansase Mre Greene assisted Dean Nesmith and I was happy to be in @ position to help him in his work. This talent that he has would be especially valuable to the young men on your athictic squade | , _ While tr. Greene has never played on our Varsity squad he was on onr Freshmen squad and I had him in a basketball classe I em sure thet his close association with me and any added work thet would take this summer in basketball would well qualify him for a ion in your school if you are interested. z will be glad to answer any questions concerning Ire Greene you might wish to aske Sincerely yours, g it Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach , April 28th, 1941 _ The Commanding General Eighth Corpa Arce , pear Sirs I desire to recommend to you ire Maurice Clavelle fiolden, whoa I have Imown for six or Seven yearse Mr» Holden 46 a gradmte of the University of Mansase Hie mijor is jourmlisn. Tre Holden is mentally alert, bas a fine sense of wlue, and camends the respect of all those with whom he in contacts ; | t saw 2uch of him while he wis a student at the Tniversi ty of Sansas. He was sports editor of the tmiversity Daily Bausas, ‘and bas a very responsible position on the Jawhawker which is the Tiversity's year books T understand that Mr. Wolden is making application for e regular army comission, and I am glad to recommend hin without reservation or evasion. : tam glad to add thie testimonial as to ire Holden's | character, ability, and versatility. 1 have muoh confidence in hime Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Pecrcation Varsity Basketball Coach Pesire April 29th, 1941 Mre “Maurice Clevelle "cl den % The Spear Head Editor-in-chief — : | Post Headquarters . Fort Sam Houston, Texes Dear Maurice: 2 It is always a pleasure to respond to your demands. They have never been excessive and it is a real pleasure for me to extend _ any courtesy or Kindness to a young man who wants to serve his country. | _In wy opinion, those people always come first and will so continue to I trust that my letter gets the job done, and here's wishing you lots of luckg Bob and Eleanor were certainly glad to hear from you as are all of your old friends on Mount Oread. With kindest regards and best wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and ‘Recreation Varsity fasketball Coach FPCAsre May Gth, 1942 Mrs Meurice Cannady 2232 Vermont Lawrence, Sansas Dear vanrice : I finally got around to the chore which was a pleasure but it wes delayed because of other things erovding it oute , I trust that you're highly successful in your quest. i mow you'll do a great jobe i's alveys as strong as horseradish for you, NAUri Ces ; Sincerely yours, Dircetor of Physical Education and Resseation Varsity Basketball and Haseball Coaches PCA sre May 6th, 1041 - ee Headquarters Gulf Coast 4ir Corps Treining Center Mandelph Pield, Texas Attention: Mr. He Le Berridge A OL AOS : Pear Sirs I an very hapgy to recommend to you, Mrs ‘walter Leaurice davtinie, who bas made application to your Training Center for position as Assistant Director of Physical Training at one of the flying fields operated out of this Centers - a aie imowm Maurice Camedy for years, sol an aie and as e graduate student of the University of Kansas. Cannady is a highly personable, is fine working, has a wy evout him that wins ‘the respect and friendship of men with whan he comes in contact, and he ‘ie, undoubtedly, an excepticnable individual. As a Varsity footteil player her in the University, he we outstanding. he kmows the value of loyalty and cooperation to bis superior. His attitude towards his superiors is most cammendeble, and while a member of the tesm, he kept in strict training and aided in developing a spirit of esprit de —_— that wae most pleasinge I recommended him for @ position in the Lawrenes Publse sit toe” end he's done a splendid jobs His scholerehip is superior and his fine physical body attrects attention. Hie posture and bearing impress these with whem he comes in coritect,. He is neat, courteous and earable, and I em very happy to reeemend him without reservation as an instrustor, @ ocach, or a vercoral qeneeaers Sincerely yours, Tareetor of Mhyeical Bdueation and Reoreation Varsity Rasletiall and Hasebell Coache | FCAs¥e HEAD QUARTERS GULF COAST AIR CORPS TRAINING CENTER RANDOLPH FIELD, TEXAS, ; Dr. F.C. Allen, Director Dept. of Physical Education The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Mr. Walter M. Cannady has made application to the Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Center for a position as Assistant Director of Physical Training at one of the flying fields operated out of this Center. He has given your name as ® reference as to his ability. It would be greatly appreciated if you would give us your evaluation of the applicant on the enclosed blank, Your evaluation will be treated confiden- tially. The enclosed envelope does not require postagee Sincerely, (7 H. L. Berridge, Physical Director Gulf Coast ACTC May 9th, 1941 lire George Le Foster Registrar's Office University of Kansas Dear George: I'm sorry that I neglected sending you the information on Harold Longe I consider him a most trust-worthy young man with the finest character and personality that I lmow of. He is capable, dependable and honest. I am glad to recommend him without reservation. This past year I eve him a job in the Intramural Office and he has discharged his duties with the utmost fidelity. I am very sure that he will give satisfaction to apa radar Sinecrely yours, Director of Physical Education ot Recreation Varsity and Baseball “oache FCA: re s = ae = ’ June 10th, 1941 Major General Commandant Headquarters, U. S. Marine — Washington, DD. GO. My dear Mr. Commandant: I gesire to commend to you Mr. John Robert Kline, a graudate of the University of Kansas and a resident of Hutchinson, “ansas. John Kline has, played three years of Varsity basketball on our champsionship team and I have found himat atll times to be an exemplary athlete and a fine gentleman. His exceptional ability has been founded upon experience and study. He is not the mere accidental type of athlete but takes his train- ing seriously. He is clean, capable and resourceful. Le knows how to take- orders and how to execute them. Being possessed of an exceptional pea and a fine personality, he attracts men by his bearing. In the three years that he has played under me, never once have I found it necessary to reprimand him. If all athletes were the type of John Kline, the coach's life would be a joy. ’ i In my opinion, he is fine officer material and I'm glad to recommend him without reservation or evasion. Very cordially yours, € Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA:re Baseball Coach. THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN MADISON COMMITTEE ON LOANS AND UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS June 12, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of June 4 in recommenda- tion of Gabe C. Parks for an undergraduate non-resident tuition scholarship. You may be assured that the Com- mittee will give every possible consideration to his application. If we may be of further service to you at any time, we will be glad to have you write to us. Sincerely yours, COMMITTEE ON LOANS AND UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS W. J. Harri Secretary WIH: HE Jane 21 1941 Mr. Ralph N. Dugan 1106 o Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Ralphs She "es pmesttee mey a purposely Y. could get che a on wha wen Stanberry : YIPeLF p* yews The coac rom Tarkio, Missouri and not one _hytiare a pe reent — . go I immediately aght of getting a oy fixed > ws 2 it that there is one aiteioaler at ~ that! that one of my good friestaptinerteionane® Schog: i Board, Yas a eee en panes to a fellow who Ghers College and who In View of it looks Tike you came si 1 | a ~ahie boy is over Zi and with no éperidénts . to m6 Tike he is practically | U@L HGH Tto Igo Tin *the fammy gos enc Lon sonyon,e Reg PAeLACUEe 2 fuse ion @onya pe tywe tor gps jep* I realize can't ait around and wait until this : Sadiaeneahane mes have an lately os fy ‘tough oye is yon : 1 Gt peadsive we can £45 £8 We que sr” TStT THLFSOUETET To ¢F re done - Ae ee Tyee se Baten.” Tee ATTY Sexvomyec Des. yeybe: Teaievues” vei TToe ORTO 34 ui we ybp n° neu qrturenyed ve Fpye veyaot od *_9* pod Lyxeg ab = : 18 sone I I , Terres -_ nce June 24th, 1941 Mr. John C. Mert, Personnel Division Remington Arms Company, Inc. Denver, Colorado Re: Arthur Kirk Owen, Jr. Age: 22 Dear Mr. Mertz: Social Security No. 521-12-7250 I am very happy to commend to you most highly, - Mr. Arthur Kirk Owen, Jr., who has applied for a position with your Company in the National Defense Frogram. Kirk Owen comes from one of the finest families in Kansas. His father is a practicing Physician in Topeka, Kansas, and is one of the finest men I know. He is a Yale graduate and an outstanding practitioner but he's one of the most ordinary type of citizens that you might imagine. Doctor Owen has a large and lucrative practice but 3 has brought his boy up along the way of modesty and obscurity. Arthur Kirk Owen, Jr., attended the University of Kansas and played on my Varsity basketball team. He is clean, resourceful, aggressive and capable. He is loyal and conscientious. He has the full spirit of team play and cooperation and I'm absolutely sure that you would make no mistake in selecting young Owens for one of your National Defense Program jobs. Kirk Owen has a highly intelligence rating. He is absolutely loyal to the United States and I know of nothing in any way that might reflect unfavorably on his character or reputation. - I have known young Kirk Owen for eight years. And, I recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA: re CABLE ADDRESS Remington, HARTLEY. BRIOGEFORT. CONN, nD REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, INC. MANUFACTURERS OF FIREARMS, AMMUNITION, CUTLERY TRAPS TARGETS CUTLERY WORKS, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ARMS WORKS, ILION, N. Y. AMMUNITION WORKS, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. BRIMSDOWN, MIDDLESEX, ENG. DENVER, COLORADO June 19, 1941 CONFIDENTIAL Re: Arthur Kirk Owen, Jr. Dr. Forrest C. Allen — Age: 22 University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Social Security No. 521-12-7230 Dear Dre Allen: Mr. Arthur Kirk Owen, Jr., has applied for a position with this Company in the National Defense program. You will doubtless appreciate the fact that great care must be exercised in the selection of our personnel and we would like to ask your frank opinion in answering the questions appearing on the reverse Side of this sheet. Please be assured that your cooperation will be greatly appre- ciated and all information kept in absolute confidence. If you have any information which you do not wish to put in writing, please call us by telephone collect at CHerry 5566. Thanking you for your early reply to our inquiry, we are Very truly yours, REMINGTON ARMS COMPANY, INC. ohn C. Mertz - hee Personnel Division ar JCM sr Remington Arms Company, Inc. Denver, Colorado 10 - ll - Date Is he well suited for work in a manufacturing plant? Has he leadership potentiality? Is he steady, reliable, loyal and conscientious? Does he work well with others? Birth place and birth date (if known)? Is he a member of or sympathetic toward any UNAMERICAN organization or faction? Give details. Do you believe he is absolutely loyal to the United States? How do you rate him in ability? (Good, fair, poor, etc.) Do you know of anything which might reflect unfavorably on his character or reputation? How long and how well have you known the applicant? If he has been your employee, can you furnish us with (a) Date of employment? (b) Duties (c) Reason for leaving your employ? Signature dune 27th, 1941 Mr. C. B. MoCoy, Sec. The Cameron Board of Education Cameron, Missouri Dear My, EoCoy: Your letter as of June 25th has been referred to me for my attention. I am sending you e list of our teachers trained in the field of Physical Education for your inspection. Mr. John L. Burge has been employed at ’ Missouri, Raytown High School for next year. “Mr. Faul L. White hes joined the marines. We still have Mr. Ralph M. Dugan, Stephen L. Meade, Ramie Beims, and Charles L. Dalrymple. There are other boys in college that you might be interested in who have graduated but those are the boys who have graduated in the school of Physical Education and have a teacher's certificate. I shall be happy to hear from you if you are interested further in it. Thanking you for your inquiry, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. PCA: re J. W. BUFFINGTON OFFICES AND OUTSTATE STATE WAREHOUSE COMMISSIONER INSPECTION POINTS GENERAL OFFICE KANSAS CITY JEFFERSON CITY, MO. ST. LOUIS ST. JOSEPH SPRINGFIELD CARTHAGE SIKESTON STATE OF MISSOURI GRAIN INSPECTION AND WEIGHING DEPARTMENT KANSAS CITY, Mo. June 25=1941 Kansas University Athletic Dept. Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Sirs, : 3 We are looking for a coach and Physical Education instructor. I t is a full time physical education position with coaching of Football and some track. We have a Baskete- ball man and He will assist with track. “e also hebps with Football. We would rather have a Man with some experience if You have any one that You can recommend. Your CE wr The Cameron LE fy of phe Cameron,Moe July 2, 1941. Wilson & Cos, Ince, Time Offices, Hameas City, Tansase Gentlenen: I heve your letter of recent date inquiring regarding Walter Perry Heniman, Doubtless you mean Falter Perry Horrinan. Yes, I imow this young mn. Te is a very earnest and intelligent young chaps I have | lmowm him for over fifteen years and have found hin at all times aggressive, clean, personable and cap- eble. I am glad to recamend him to you and I an sure that he will mke you a very satisfactory young MNe 7 Sincerely yours, a a