April 28th, 1941 _ The Commanding General Eighth Corpa Arce , pear Sirs I desire to recommend to you ire Maurice Clavelle fiolden, whoa I have Imown for six or Seven yearse Mr» Holden 46 a gradmte of the University of Mansase Hie mijor is jourmlisn. Tre Holden is mentally alert, bas a fine sense of wlue, and camends the respect of all those with whom he in contacts ; | t saw 2uch of him while he wis a student at the Tniversi ty of Sansas. He was sports editor of the tmiversity Daily Bausas, ‘and bas a very responsible position on the Jawhawker which is the Tiversity's year books T understand that Mr. Wolden is making application for e regular army comission, and I am glad to recommend hin without reservation or evasion. : tam glad to add thie testimonial as to ire Holden's | character, ability, and versatility. 1 have muoh confidence in hime Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Pecrcation Varsity Basketball Coach Pesire