May 6th, 1041 - ee Headquarters Gulf Coast 4ir Corps Treining Center Mandelph Pield, Texas Attention: Mr. He Le Berridge A OL AOS : Pear Sirs I an very hapgy to recommend to you, Mrs ‘walter Leaurice davtinie, who bas made application to your Training Center for position as Assistant Director of Physical Training at one of the flying fields operated out of this Centers - a aie imowm Maurice Camedy for years, sol an aie and as e graduate student of the University of Kansas. Cannady is a highly personable, is fine working, has a wy evout him that wins ‘the respect and friendship of men with whan he comes in contact, and he ‘ie, undoubtedly, an excepticnable individual. As a Varsity footteil player her in the University, he we outstanding. he kmows the value of loyalty and cooperation to bis superior. His attitude towards his superiors is most cammendeble, and while a member of the tesm, he kept in strict training and aided in developing a spirit of esprit de —_— that wae most pleasinge I recommended him for @ position in the Lawrenes Publse sit toe” end he's done a splendid jobs His scholerehip is superior and his fine physical body attrects attention. Hie posture and bearing impress these with whem he comes in coritect,. He is neat, courteous and earable, and I em very happy to reeemend him without reservation as an instrustor, @ ocach, or a vercoral qeneeaers Sincerely yours, Tareetor of Mhyeical Bdueation and Reoreation Varsity Rasletiall and Hasebell Coache | FCAs¥e