s = ae = ’ June 10th, 1941 Major General Commandant Headquarters, U. S. Marine — Washington, DD. GO. My dear Mr. Commandant: I gesire to commend to you Mr. John Robert Kline, a graudate of the University of Kansas and a resident of Hutchinson, “ansas. John Kline has, played three years of Varsity basketball on our champsionship team and I have found himat atll times to be an exemplary athlete and a fine gentleman. His exceptional ability has been founded upon experience and study. He is not the mere accidental type of athlete but takes his train- ing seriously. He is clean, capable and resourceful. Le knows how to take- orders and how to execute them. Being possessed of an exceptional pea and a fine personality, he attracts men by his bearing. In the three years that he has played under me, never once have I found it necessary to reprimand him. If all athletes were the type of John Kline, the coach's life would be a joy. ’ i In my opinion, he is fine officer material and I'm glad to recommend him without reservation or evasion. Very cordially yours, € Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and FCA:re Baseball Coach.