dune 27th, 1941 Mr. C. B. MoCoy, Sec. The Cameron Board of Education Cameron, Missouri Dear My, EoCoy: Your letter as of June 25th has been referred to me for my attention. I am sending you e list of our teachers trained in the field of Physical Education for your inspection. Mr. John L. Burge has been employed at ’ Missouri, Raytown High School for next year. “Mr. Faul L. White hes joined the marines. We still have Mr. Ralph M. Dugan, Stephen L. Meade, Ramie Beims, and Charles L. Dalrymple. There are other boys in college that you might be interested in who have graduated but those are the boys who have graduated in the school of Physical Education and have a teacher's certificate. I shall be happy to hear from you if you are interested further in it. Thanking you for your inquiry, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation- Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. PCA: re